





laceration[,læsə'reiʃən]n. 裂傷;撕裂;割破


Laceration 裂傷;撕裂;挫裂創 鈍器對於體表只有牽引作用而無擠壓作用,形成的損傷稱為 挫裂創,也叫撕裂創。;斷裂;bruised laceration 挫裂創(由粗鈍的致傷物通過撞擊、砸壓、撕裂造成的創);挫裂創;colpoperineal laceration 會陰陰道裂傷;釋義:陰道會陰裂傷;laceration scalp 釋義:頭皮裂傷;myocardial laceration 心肌撕裂;釋義:心肌撕裂;


1.Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system. 可能導致消化系統堵塞甚至破裂。

2.Close the remaining layers as for a second degree laceration. 然後如縫合Ⅱ°裂傷一樣縫合剩下的幾層。

3.It occurs in the laceration and contusion as well as in the clean surgical incision. 撕裂傷,挫傷和外科清潔切口,都會發生這種現象。


laceration of long head of biceps - 二頭肌長頭裂傷

laceration of birth canal - 產道撕裂

repair of third degree laceration of perineum - 會陰度撕裂傷修補術

laceration of perineum - 會陰撕裂

hymenal laceration; laceration of hymen - 處女膜裂傷

laceration of cerebral falx - 大腦鐮撕裂

laceration of cerebral falx - 大腦鐮裂傷

laceration of tentorium - 天幕撕裂

laceration of scalp - 頭皮裂傷

laceration of cervix - 子宮頸裂傷

repair of laceration of cervix - 子宮頸裂傷修補術

laceration of cervix - 宮頸裂傷

contrecoup laceration of brain - 對沖性腦撕裂創

laceration of tentorium cerebelli - 小腦幕裂傷

laceration of cardiac valve - 心瓣膜裂傷

laceration o lacrimal canaliculis - 淚小管斷裂

laceration of skin - 皮膚裂傷

laceration of eyelid - 眼瞼裂傷

laceration of sagittal sinus - 矢狀竇裂傷

brachial laceration with hemorrhage - 磕臂出血

laceration of muscle and tendon - 筋傷斷裂

laceration of conjunctiva - 結膜裂傷

laceration of anal sphincter - 肛門括約肌撕裂傷

total layer laceration of kidney - 腎全層裂傷

laceration of kidney - 腎裂傷

contusion and laceration of spinal cord - 脊髓挫裂傷

laceration of spinal cord - 脊髓裂傷

contusion and laceration of brain - 腦挫裂傷

laceration of meninges - 腦膜裂傷

laceration of brain - 腦裂傷

laceration of tongue - 舌裂傷

laceration of retina - 視網膜撕裂

old laceration of perineum - 陳舊性會陰裂傷

repair of lod laceration of perineum - 陳舊性會陰裂傷修補術

laceration of ligament - 韌帶撕裂

laceration of esophagocardial mucosa; mallory-weiss syndrome - 食管賁門粘膜裂傷


n.磕臂出血 - brachial laceration with hemorrhage

腦裂傷 - brain laceration

腦裂傷 - cerebral laceration

子宮頸撕裂 - cervical laceration

n.對沖性腦撕裂創 - contrecoup laceration of brain

n.腦挫裂傷 - contusion and laceration of brain

n.脊髓挫裂傷 - contusion and laceration of spinal cord

n.角膜裂傷 - corneal laceration

n.表皮撕裂 - epidermal laceration

n.第一度裂傷 - first degree laceration

n.牙齦撕裂 - gingival laceration

n.處女膜裂傷 - hymenal laceration

n.邊緣撕裂 - marginal laceration

n.陳舊性會陰裂傷 - old laceration of perineum

n.陳舊性陰道裂傷 - old vaginal laceration

n.會陰裂傷 - perineal laceration

perineum laceration wound fester - perineum laceration wound fester

n.手術後會陰撕裂縫合術 - repairment of postoperative perineal laceration

n.子宮頸裂傷修補術 - repair of laceration of cervix

n.陳舊性會陰裂傷修補術 - repair of lod laceration of perineum

n.會陰裂傷修補術 - repair of perineal laceration

n.會陰度撕裂傷修補術 - repair of third degree laceration of perineum

n.陰道裂傷修補術 - repair of vaginal laceration

頭皮裂傷 - scalp laceration

n.第二度裂傷 - second degree laceration

n.第三度裂傷 - third degree laceration

n.腎全層裂傷 - total layer laceration of kidney

n.陰道裂傷 - vaginal laceration


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