Lesson 87 A car crash英語對話,新概念英語第一冊,英語Lesson 87 A car crash對白,Lesson 87 A car crash英文怎麽說



Lesson 87 A car crash用英語怎麽說


Lesson 87 A car crash

1 . That's right.I drove it into a lamp-post.是啊。我把汽車撞在電線桿上了。

2 . When did you bring it to us?您什麼時候送來的?

3 . But to tell you the truth.you need a new car!不過說實在的,您需要一輛新車了。

4 . Well,they're trying to repair it,sir.啊,他們正設法修呢,先生。

5 . Have your mechanics finished yet?你們的機械師修好了嗎?

6 . Well, it was my car.唔,這曾是我的車。

7 . I don't know. sir.我不知道,先生。

8 . Can your mechanics repair it?你們的機械師能修好嗎?

9 . No, they're still working on it.Let's go into the garage and have a look at it.沒有,他們還在修呢。我們到車庫去看一下吧。

10 . Didn't you have a crash?難說您沒有出車禍嗎?

11 . What's the number of your car?您的汽車牌號是多少?

12 . Ah, yes, I remember now.啊,是的,我現在記起來了。

13 . Isn't that your car?這難道不是您的車嗎?

14 . Is my car ready yet?我的汽車修好了嗎?

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