Thanksgiving(感恩節) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語Thanksgiving(感恩節) ACT II對白,Thanksgiving(感恩節) ACT II英文怎麽說



Thanksgiving(感恩節) ACT II用英語怎麽說


Thanksgiving(感恩節) ACT II

1 . He graduated from medical school in 1960他在一九六零年從醫學院畢業,

2 . Can I help with anything?我能幫什麼忙嗎

3 . Did you go to Michigan too, Grandpa?爺爺,你也上Michigan嗎?

4 . No, honey.不用 親愛的。

5 . Grandpa, when did Dad graduate from Michigan?爺爺,爸爸是什麼時候從Michigan畢業的?

6 . I'll get you to help serve later.等一會我會叫你幫忙分菜。

7 . It's getting late.時間不早了。

8 . How are you?... Here's Mom.好嗎 …… 媽媽就來了。

9 . Dad, your apple pie is my favorite dessert.爸爸 你做的蘋果派是我最愛吃的甜點。

10 . You just relax with Grandpa.你只要放輕 陪爺爺就行了。

11 . It's for kids.這是給小孩看的。

12 . Mom! Is it for me?媽媽 是我的嗎

13 . It's delicious.味道好極了。

14 . Taste Ellen's turkey dressing.一 Ellen的火鍋填料。

15 . Good. Then you'll be here about five?很好。那麼 大約在五點左右來。

16 . Yes, I know, but he'll get over it.是的 我知道 過一下就會好的。

17 . Oh, look at that float, Robbie.噢 你看那花車 Robbie。

18 . Da dada da da dada da da da da da da dada.噠 噠噠 噠 噠 噠噠 噠 噠 噠 噠 噠 噠 噠噠。

19 . Drive carefully.開車時小心。

20 . Maybe so, but parades always make me feel like a kid.也許是 但這些遊行總是讓我覺得像小孩子。

21 . Don't you just love it?你能不喜歡嗎

22 . It's Grandma's recipe.這是奶奶的配方。

23 . Yes, he missed a phone call from Alexandra.對 他沒接到Alexandra打來的電話。

24 . What time does the Michigan football game come on?Michigan隊的足球賽何時開始?

25 . Philip, would you join me in the kitchen, please? Philip請你跟我來廚房好嗎

26 . Look at that Superman balloon!你看那個超人氣球

27 . What about my famous apple pie?我那著名的蘋果派呢

28 . Oh, and the bands and the music.還有那樂隊和音樂。

29 . We have vegetables to prepare.我們還得準備蔬菜。

30 . It's my favorite part of the meal.這是全餐中我最愛吃的部份。

31 . Wowee! Just floating along high above Central Park West.啊哈 高高飄浮在中央公園西路上空前進

32 . Who was it?誰來的電話

33 . I love his music.我喜歡他的作品。

34 . I'm not surprised.我一點也不覺得奇怪。

35 . I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle.我等著見 Harry和Michelle。

36 . You were four or five years old, I think.當時你才四、五歲 我想。

37 . Ellen reminds me so much of Grandma. Ellen真讓我想起奶奶。

38 . I'll be back to see the game.我到時候來看比賽。

39 . Yup. I graduated in 1937.是的,我是一九三七年畢業的。

40 . and from the University of Michigan in 1956.一九五六年從Michigan大學畢業。

41 . The Thanksgiving Day parade is always such great fun.感恩節的遊行總是如此有趣。

42 . I love parades.我愛看遊行。

43 . I've got to start thinking about college soon.我很快也得開始考慮大學的事了。

44 . went to the Thanksgiving Day parade?去參加感恩節遊行嗎

45 . Remember when you and your dad and I還記得你 你爸爸 和我

46 . Look at those funny-looking clowns.你看那些滑稽的小丑。

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