Unit 6 Shall we go to the park英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 6 Shall we go to the park對白,Unit 6 Shall we go to the park英文怎麽說



Unit 6 Shall we go to the park用英語怎麽說


Unit 6 Shall we go to the park

1 . Let's go and see the pandas. I hear one of them has a baby.咱們去看看熊貓吧。我聽說有一隻熊貓生了只小熊貓。

2 . Oh, thank you. I would love to.噢,謝謝你!我很樂意!

3 . Nuts. How many monkeys can you see?堅果。你能看見多少隻猴子?

4 . But I must ask my parents first. What time shall I come?不過我必須先問問父母。我幾點鐘來呢?

5 . Hi, Lin Tao! What are you going to do on Sunday?嗨,林濤!星期天你打算幹啥?

6 . Well, let's count them. One, two, three, four, …嗯,咱們來數數。1,2,3,4……

7 . I must finish that first. But I think I can be free at six. May I come then?00可能有空。我那時來可以嗎?

8 . We have our evening meal at about a quarter past six.我們6:15分左右吃晚飯。

9 . In the Zoo. Let's go and see them.在動物園裡。咱們去看看。

10 . A baby panda? Great! Let's go.一隻小熊貓?好極了。咱們走吧。

11 . Shall we go to the park?我們去公園玩好嗎?

12 . Yes, a lot of people like it. Some are very good at it.對,許多人喜歡。有些人劃得很好。

13 . I think so. Why?我想有的。幹嗎?

14 . Let's make it a little earlier.咱們安排早一點兒吧。

15 . Look! What does that boat look like?瞧!那艘船看起來像什麼呀?

16 . Yes, I can. Where are they?是的,我能聽到。它們在哪兒?

17 . Meimei, are you free next Tuesday evening?梅梅,你下星期二晚上有空嗎?

18 . Yes! They're having a good time.是呀!他們玩得很痛快。

19 . There's a zoo in the park. We can go and have a look at the animals.公園裡有個動物園哩。我們可以去看看動物。

20 . Would you like to come to supper?你願意來吃晚飯嗎?

21 . Oh, it's too hard. I can't count them.噢,太難數了。我數不了。

22 . Why don't you come a little earlier? About a quarter to.OK?45分左右來,好嗎?

23 . No, it's a duck, not a chicken. Oh, can you hear some animals?不對,是只鴨,不是雞。噢,你聽到一些動物的叫聲沒有?

24 . Let's meet outside the park gate.咱們在公園的大門外碰頭吧。

25 . Right. They're running and jumping all the time.對,他們老是跑啊跳的。

26 . Do English people like boating?英國人喜歡划船嗎?

27 . It looks like a chicken. But I don't think chickens can swim.看起來像只小雞。不過我認為小雞不會游泳啊!

28 . Look at those monkeys. What're they eating?瞧那些猴子。它們在吃什麼?

29 . I've no idea. What do you think?我不知道。你想幹啥?

30 . Sure! Work must come first!當然啦!工作必須先做嘛!

31 . I have quite a lot of homework to do.我有很多家庭作業要做。

32 . OK. Where shall we meet?好的。我們在什麼地方會面呢?

33 . Good idea! When shall we meet?好主意!我們什麼時候會面?

34 . Look at those people in the boats.瞧船裡的那些人!

35 . Great! Let's make it half past one.好極啦!咱們就定在1:30 會面吧。

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