Unit 11 Keep healthy英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 11 Keep healthy對白,Unit 11 Keep healthy英文怎麽說



Unit 11 Keep healthy用英語怎麽說


Unit 11 Keep healthy

1 . Yes, Mr. Wu. Thank you.是的,吳先生。謝謝您。

2 . Sorry, Mr. Wu. I was not here yesterday.對不起,吳先生。我昨天沒有來。

3 . I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're better now.聽說你病 了,我心裡很不好受。我希望你現在好些了。

4 . Where's your homework, Jim?吉姆,你的家庭作業在哪兒?

5 . Good morning, Mr. WU:?Here's my homework. I was ill on Monday, so it's late.吳先生,早上好!這是我的英語家庭作業。我星期一病了,所以遲交。

6 . Yes, I remember. You were not here yesterday. What was wrong? Were you ill?是的,我記得。你昨天沒有來。怎麼啦?你病了嗎?

7 . That's OK. Jim, you must look after yourself and keep healthy.行。吉姆,你要照顧好自己,保持身體健康。

8 . You'd better finish the work today, and bring it tomorrow.你最好今天完成這作業,明天把它帶來。

9 . Yes, I am, thank you.是的,好些了,謝謝您。

10 . Yes. I was a little ill.是的,我有點不舒服。

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