談過去的經歷英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談過去的經歷對白,談過去的經歷英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . You'll never guess what happened the other day!你永遠也猜不到前幾天發生什麼事了!

2 . So how has life changed since you left the army?你離開軍隊後,生活過得如何?

3 . Are you experienced in office management?你在企業管理上有經驗嗎?

4 . I can't ask him for a raise, I have no experience in negotiation.我不能叫他給我加薪,我在談判方面沒經驗。

5 . Have you ever been to Niagra Falls?你去過尼亞拉加瀑布嗎?

6 . How ofter have met with our competitors?你多久遭遇我們的競爭對手一次?

7 . I can see that you've done this before.我發覺你曾幹過此事。

8 . I can't drive, I've never driven in my life.我不會開車,我這輩子都沒開過車。

9 . I did drink a lot of coffee when I was younger, But I have noticed the health benefits since I quit.我在年輕時確實喝過很多咖啡,但我發覺戒了咖啡後身體健康多了。

10 . Grandma, I bet you have a lot of stories to tell.奶奶,我敢打賭你會說很多故事。

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瘋狂英語 900 句