談人們英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談人們對白,談人們英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . What's your girlfriend's name? She's beautiful!你女朋友叫什麼名字?她很漂亮。

2 . I've seen a lot of people wearing runners lately. I guess they're back in fashion.最近我看到很多人穿上了披肩,我看是不是披肩又流行起來了?

3 . When people stand together, no one can stop them.當人們門到一起的時候,就沒有人可以阻止他們相互談論。

4 . Trevor wants to go to Japan so there's going to be trouble whild he's gone.特裡瓦要去日本,所以他不在的時候就麻煩了。

5 . This city is just too overpopulated.這個城市人口太過稠密。

6 . Did you see what Diane was eating? And she's on a diet.你看戴安妮在吃什麼嗎?她在節食啊。

7 . Good people are the most valuable commodity a company can possess.人才是一家公司可以擁有的最寶貴的財富。

8 . If anyone has any objections, now is the time to voice them.如果有人反對,現在就可以說出來。

9 . If enough people show interest, I'll run the show.假如有足夠多的人們感興趣,我就開始表演了。

10 . There's been another scandal in the Royal family.皇室又出醜聞了。

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瘋狂英語 900 句