瘋狂演講專家 - 額外成就感(二)英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語瘋狂演講專家 - 額外成就感(二)對白,瘋狂演講專家 - 額外成就感(二)英文怎麽說



瘋狂演講專家 - 額外成就感(二)用英語怎麽說


瘋狂演講專家 - 額外成就感(二)

1 . I want to thank you in advance.在此先致謝,請多多關照。

2 . Generally speaking, it's quite a fair settlement.大致上說,這樣解決很恰當。

3 . Most of the building in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception.這個城市中大部分建築都不太好看,但這座教堂是個例外。

4 . I generally go to bed at ten.我通常十點鐘睡覺。

5 . The student has a very wide range of interests.那個學生的興趣非常廣泛。

6 . They all work hard, without exception.他們個個努力工作,無一例外。

7 . Let's have a talk about it in advance.我們事先商量一下。

8 . The age range is from 6 months to 47 years.年齡檔次從6個月到47歲不等。

9 . Most boys like baseball, but he is an exception.大多數的男孩喜歡棒球,但他是個例外。

10 . All students without exception must take the English examination.所有學生毫無例外地都必須參加英語考試。

11 . I don't drink, but today is an exception.我是不喝酒的,但今天例外。

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