Unit 14 Roots英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 14 Roots對白,Unit 14 Roots英文怎麽說



Unit 14 Roots用英語怎麽說


Unit 14 Roots

1 . Their feet were fixed to one bar and their hands to another bar.他們的腳拴在一根鐵槓上,他們的手拴在另外一根鐵桿上。

2 . He was just able to lie down on the ground, but could not stand up.他只能躺在地上,但不能站起來。

3 . He was never seen again.後來再也見不到這個人了。

4 . Journey Into The Unknown走向未知世界的旅程

5 . But Haley was not satisfied.但是哈利並不滿足於這些。

6 . One day a young man named Kunta Kinte went off into the forest to cut down a tree as he wanted to make a drum.有一天,一位叫孔塔·肯特的年輕人走進森林中去砍樹,因為他想做一個鼓。

7 . He could also hear night insects and the sound of waves on the shore.他還能聽到夜晚裡昆蟲的叫聲和波浪拍擊岸邊的聲音。

8 . But they would not listen to him. When they came to the river, a white man was waiting in the boat for them.但是他們不聽,當他們來到江邊時,一個白人正在船上等著他們。

9 . He collected tetters and made copies of people's diaries.他收集到一些信件,複印了一些人的日記。

10 . I want to find out more about my 'roots,' he said.「我想要更多地探尋我的『根』。」

11 . He tried to escape but was followed and caught.他曾經試圖逃跑,但是被人追上來抓住了。

12 . He did not know from which part of Africa his ancestor had come.他不知道祖先來自非洲的什麼地方。

13 . They sighed and cried out for more water, but food and water were only given out once a day.他們歎息著,嚷著要水喝,而水和食物每天只發放一次。

14 . In this way he was able to find out where they lived, how many chidren they had, and where they died and were buried.就這樣,他瞭解到祖先的住處,有多少孩子,死在何處,葬在哪裡。

15 . Kunta had been seized in the forest and then hit on the head with a hard object.孔塔在森林裡被抓住以後,他的頭部就被一個硬的東西打了一下。

16 . Many of the men fell sick with fever.許多人因發燒而病倒。

17 . His newspaper provided him with some money in order that he might travel to Gambia for his research.他的報社給他提供了一些資金,以便他可以去岡比亞進行研究。

18 . There was an argument about money, so it seemed, in a language that Kunta did not understand.看來他們在用孔塔聽不懂的語言進行了一番討價還價。

19 . Another thing which shocked Kunta was that women were held in the castle too.還有一件事使孔塔感到驚奇,這就是關在城堡裡的還有婦女。

20 . He discovered that there was a group in the east of the country that shared the same family name - Kinte.他發現在該國的東部有一個家族都姓肯特。

21 . Kunta wondered why the white people had done this to him.孔塔不知道白人為什麼要這樣對待他。

22 . On his arrival he was sold to a farmer and worked in the fields.一到美國,他就被賣給了一個農場主,到地裡幹活。

23 . Once in a while sailors came down, Kunta thought, to carry sick men upstairs for treatment.偶爾水手下來,孔塔猜想是把生病的人抬上去進行治療。

24 . What shocked him most was that the men who carried him were black.最使他感到驚奇的是,把他運走的人都是黑人。

25 . In Gambia, as in most parts of Africa, there are few written records of family histoy.岡比亞同非洲多數地方一樣,有關家族的書面記載為數極少。

26 . Once on the boat, they were taken bolow and their chains were fixed to two bars that ran the length of the ship.一上船,他們就被帶進底艙,他們的鐐銬就被拴在兩根從船的一頭伸到另一頭的鐵桿上。

27 . The men took him in their boat to the castle on the coast where he was now held prisoner.這些人用船把他送到海岸上的城堡裡,如今他被囚禁在這兒。

28 . All the stories of families, heroes, wars and journeys are passed down from generation to generation.所有家族、英雄、戰爭、旅行的情況都是世代口傳的。

29 . The situation seemed hopeless and he knew his life was in danger.這種情況看來是毫無希望了,他知道他有生命危險。

30 . About a third of the people who had been chained up below at the beginning of the journey were missing.旅程開始時拴在下邊的人大約有三分之一已經不見了。

31 . All he knew was that his African ancestor taught his son and grandson the words in his own language for river and guitar.他所知道的只是非洲祖先用自己的語言教給兒孫們的「江」和「吉他」這兩個詞。

32 . Kunta knew it was the middle of the night, for through the small open window high in the wall he could see stars.孔塔知道已經是半夜了,因為通過牆的上方開著的小窗,他能看到星星。

33 . One of these men was found and he began to tell the story of this family group.哈利在這些人中找到了一位,他開始談起了這個家族的歷史。

34 . Would they be killed or even eaten?他們會被殺死,甚至會被吃掉嗎?

35 . For all his life, he had known that people suddenly disappeared from their villages.他一生中,聽說過有的人突然間在他們的村莊失蹤了。

36 . After speaking for about half an hour he came to a sad part of the family history.大約談了半個小時之後,他談到了家族史中的一件傷心事。

37 . Worse was to come.更糟的事就要發生了。

38 . When he woke up, his hands and feet had already been tied together.當他醒過來的時候,他的手腳已經被捆起來了。

39 . They had rough weather, and Kunta's back bled from rolling over on the hard wooden boards.他們經歷了惡劣的天氣,孔塔的背部由於在硬木板上滾動而流了血。

40 . Finally, Kunta was thrown into the bottom of the boat and covered with an old smelly cloth.最後孔塔被扔進船底,蓋上一條臭氣熏天的舊布單。

41 . There is a journalist and writer living in America whose name is Alex Haley.有一位住在美國的記者兼作家,名叫亞歷克斯·哈利。

42 . What was to become of them all, he wondered.他們這些人會怎麼樣呢?他感到很納悶。

43 . A few days later about 140 black people were taken and put on a tall sailing ship waiting off the coast.幾天以後,大約140名黑人被帶到一艘停靠在海岸邊的大帆船上。

44 . He had known that it was not safe to travel alone in the forest near the coast.也聽說過獨自一人在海邊的森林裡走是不安全的。

45 . He had found his family, and his roots at last!他終於找到了他的家族,他的「根」了!

46 . But why did white people want to catch Africans and put them in chains?但是為什麼白人要把非洲人抓起來,戴上鐐銬呢?

47 . He was caught, put in chains, and sent to America as a slave.他被抓住了,帶上鐐銬,送到美國當奴隸。

48 . In his youth, his father and grandfather often told him stories about their family history.年輕時,他的父親和祖父常常同他說起他們的家史。

49 . One man had a head wound and was in pain.有一個人頭部受了傷,非常痛苦。

50 . Another, whose language Kunta understood, was crying softly to himself.另一個人在暗自輕聲地哭訴,他的話孔塔聽得懂。

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