談節假日英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談節假日對白,談節假日英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . I don't like to travel during the holiday season.我不喜歡在放假的季節去旅遊。

2 . Where are you going during Summer vacation?暑假你打算去哪兒?

3 . I'm staying in a holiday resort.我正呆在一個度假勝地。

4 . Why do prices always go up during Spring Festival?為什麼春節期間很多東西都會漲價?

5 . In China, Spring Festival is the biggest holiday of the year, but in the west Christmas is the biggest.中國最大的節日是春節,西方最大的節日是聖誕節。

6 . In my country, we get a couple of days off for Easter.在我國,我們在復活節的時候有好幾天的假期。

7 . The roads are packed with holiday makers.路上擠滿了度假的人。

8 . The road toll is higher during holiday periods.在節假日期間路橋費比以往要貴。

9 . Don't call my cell phone while I'm on vacation.我在度假的時候別打我的移動電話。

10 . When's the last time you took a vacation?上次你去度假是什麼時候?

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瘋狂英語 900 句