提問題英語對話,英語 900 句(美音版),英語提問題對白,提問題英文怎麽說




英語 900 句(美音版)


1 . Who told you?誰告訴你的?

2 . What did he say in the letter?他在信裡說什麼了?

3 . Why not go out for a walk?幹嗎不出去散步?

4 . When will he come to see you?他什麼時候來看你?

5 . Can you guess what I was doing this morning?你能猜到今天上午我在做什麼嗎?

6 . How did you doing spend your holiday?你假期怎麼過的?

7 . When did you buy the car?你什麼時候買的車?

8 . Why don't you agree?你為什麼不同意?

9 . I was about to leave.我正要出門。

10 . Where did you go for dinner yesterday?你們昨天去哪兒吃的飯?

11 . Who will accompany you to the airport?誰將陪你去機場?

12 . What are you going to do with the books?你打算拿這些書怎麼辦?

13 . What were you doing when I called?我打電話給你時你在幹嗎?

14 . How are you doing these days?這些日子你怎麼樣?

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英語 900 句(美音版)