談因特網英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談因特網對白,談因特網英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . My computer was infected by a virus, I guess since I didn't have firewall installed.我的電腦受到病毒感染了,我想是因為我沒裝防火牆。

2 . The internet brings people closer from around the world.因特網把世界上人們的距離拉近了。

3 . I don't like to waste my time chatting on the net.我不想把時間浪費在網絡聊天上。

4 . There are abundant free materials available on the internet.因特網上有豐富的免費資料提供。

5 . Do you frequently surf the net?你經常上網嗎?

6 . My browser crashed yesterday, so I can't see any updated information.我的瀏覽器壞了,所以我看不到任何最新的消息。

7 . They are taking initiatives to build up a digital government.他們嘗試打造數字化政府。

8 . He met his girfriend throught a public chat room.他是在一個公共聊天室裡認識他女友的。

9 . You can watch the web-cast of this program if you have broadband access to the internet.如果你能用寬帶上網的話,你能在網上收看到這個節目。

10 . I don't believe in cyber romance.我不相信網絡情緣。

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瘋狂英語 900 句