度量、比較英語對話,英語 900 句(美音版),英語度量、比較對白,度量、比較英文怎麽說




英語 900 句(美音版)


1 . How long do you watch TV every day?你每天看多長時間電視?

2 . He can run as fast as Jim.他跑的和吉姆一樣快。

3 . What's the size of your shoes?你的鞋多大尺寸?

4 . How much does the elephant weight?這個大象有多重?

5 . Kate is smarter than I.凱特比我聰明。

6 . My brother is twice as tall as your sister.我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。

7 . What's the height of the building?這座樓有多高?

8 . What's the color of your new dress?你的新衣服是什麼顏色的?

9 . My grandma is 40 years older than me.我祖母比我大40歲。

10 . This river is one third as long as that river.這條河只有那條河的三分之一長。

11 . How often do you go swimming?你多久去游一次泳?

12 . What's the shape of your balloon?你的氣球是什麼形狀?

13 . How wide is this bridge?這座橋有多寬?

14 . How thick is the ice here?這兒的冰有多厚?

15 . This metal is harder than that one.這種金屬比那種硬。

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英語 900 句(美音版)