





accustomed average 小額費用(如碼頭費、引航費等;小海損;average accustomed 照常規辦理單獨海損免賠額;照常規辦理單獨海損免賠額照常規辦理;小額費用(如碼頭費、引航費等;accustomed average usual 通常的;Average adjuster 海損理算師;海損精算人;共同海損理算人,共同海損理算師,海損理算人,理算員,理算師;海損理算師 交通;Average Adjusters 海損理算師;


1.A continental climate, the average temperature of

5. 9 ℃, the average annual cooling water, 290 mm, the sunshine hours to 2659 hours, the average frost-free period 121 days. 屬大陸性氣候,年平均氣溫為5.9℃,年均降溫水量為290毫米,年日照時數為2659小時,平均無霜期121天。

2.A continental climate, the average temperature of

5. 9 ℃, the average annual cooling water, 290 mm, the sunshine hours to 2659 hours, the average frost-free period 121 days. 屬大陸性氣候,年平均氣溫為5.9℃,年均降溫水量為290毫米,年日照時數為2659小時,平均無霜期121天。

3.By interwell tracer curve fitting, the high capacity channel average equivalent radius, average thickness and average permeability can be caculated. 通過曲線擬合得到大孔道半徑、厚度、平均滲透率等相關參數。

4.Average reflex threshold volume, average reflex latency and average reflex duration were markedly different in SIND, MIND and FC group. 但平均反射閾值、平均反射潛伏期及平均反射持續時間之間卻有顯著差異。

5.Climate: Paris for a moderate climate, summer without heat and winter cold without; January average temperature 3 ℃, 7 monthly average temperature 18 ℃, yearly average temperature is 10 ℃. 氣候:巴黎為溫和的海洋性氣候,夏無酷暑,冬無嚴寒;1月平均氣溫3℃,7月平均氣溫18℃,年平均氣溫10℃。


They are above average 85. I'm among the upper third of my class. - 我的平均成績在85分以上。我是全班第三名。

Is that tall or average or what? - 這樣尺寸是高呢, 還是普通, 或者算怎樣?

After his attempt, Campbell was disappointed to learn that his average speed had been 299 miles per hour. - 比賽結束後,坎貝爾非常失望地得知他的平均時速是299英里。

His average speed had been 301 miles per hour. - 他的平均時速實際是301英里。

As complaints must be made in writing, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1,200 letters a year. - 由於意見均需用書面形式提出,司法特派員每年平均收到1,200封信。

He showed that the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye-movements, - 他指出,平常人的睡眠週期中不時伴有一陣陣奇怪的眼球隊活動,


average retention rate in body - 體內平均滯留率

average retention rate in body - 體內平衡

weighted average of skin temperature - 加權平均皮溫

average deviation; averagedeviation - 均差

average value of mean square - 均方的平均值

average years of a generation - 平均世代年數

average vaue; generalaverage; mean value; meanvalue - 平均值

average deviation; averagedeviation; mean deviation; mean variation; meandeviation - 平均偏差

average molecular weight - 平均分子量

average vactor - 平均向量

average recovery - 平均回收率

average life; mean life span; mean lifetime - 平均壽命

average deviation; averagedeviation; mean difference - 平均差

average age - 平均年齡

average sample; running sample - 平均樣品

average heat radiation intensity - 平均熱輻射強度

average fertility number - 平均生育數

average current - 平均電流

average electric axis - 平均電軸

average skin temperature - 平均皮溫

average rank - 平均等級

n. average of roughness height - 平均粗糙度

average composite sample - 平均組合樣品

average degree of polymerization - 平均聚合度

average energy - 平均能量

average computer - 平均計算機

average arror; mean deviation; mean error; meandeviation - 平均誤差

average rate; average velocity - 平均速度

average ligand number - 平均配位體數

average length - 平均長度

average futue life; average life span - 平均預期壽命

average number molecular weight - 數均分子量

daily average maximum allowable concentration - 日平均最高容許濃度

daily average maximum concentration - 日平均最高濃度

time-weighed average concentration - 時間加權平均濃度

average value - 本底輻射平均值

n. cross sectional average flow velocity - 橫截面平均流速

n. average of roughness height - 粗糙部分高度平均數

mean corpuscular average thichness - 紅細胞平均厚度

weight average molecular weight - 重均分子量


吸收劑量平均LET - absorbed dose average LET

全循環充滿平均壓 - all circulation filling pressure of average

n.日平均 - daily average

n.日平均最高容許濃度 - daily average maximum allowable concentration

n.日平均最高濃度 - daily average maximum concentration

平均律,大數定律 - law of average

n.紅細胞平均厚度 - mean corpuscular average thichness

n.移動平均數 - moving average

移動平均法 - moving average method

n.時間加權平均濃度 - time-weighed average concentration

n.每次重量平均 - time-weighted average

平均示蹤LET - track average LET

n.重均分子量 - weight average molecular weight

n.加權均數 - weighted average

n.加權平均皮溫 - weighted average of skin temperature

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