I'm in charge of the sales department. 我主管銷售部。
My score is better than his. 我的紀錄比他的棒!
What about our claim? 我們的賠償怎麼樣啦?
I feel terrible! 我感覺很不好!
Mr. Jones can read French pretty well. 瓊斯先生讀法語相當好。
Philip works late. Philip 工作到很晚。
May I refill your drink? 再喝一杯如何?
Truth is stranger than fiction. 真理比幻想更奇特。
No, I'd rather not watch television tonight. 不,今晚我不願看電視。
As this is a special offer, we hope you won't miss this opportunity. 因這是特殊報價,希望您不要錯失良機。
I was born in England -- in a small town near London. 我生於英格蘭--倫敦城附近的一個小鎮。
Lesson 50 New Year resolutions英語對話練習
Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables. 布魯塞爾的官員說,在美國屠宰的雞不適於用來裝點歐洲的餐桌。
How are you recently? 最近怎麼樣?
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Are these your cases? 這些是你們的箱子嗎?
The children land on the island. 孩子們登上那個島。
Yes, I remember. 我想起來了。
He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find a stick. 有心打狗好找棍;欲加之罪,何患無辭。
A Real Stewart(一個真正的Stewart家的後代) ACT III英語對話練習
Yes, I do. 是的,我喜歡。
Business before pleasure. 事業在先,享樂在後。
There's a label on the handle with my name and address on it. 箱把上有一標籤,上面寫著我的姓名和住址。
瘋狂英語 900 句,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,瘋狂英語精華演講卡,瘋狂英語演講真功夫卡,瘋狂英語十大焦點學習卡,瘋狂英語特別拿手好戲卡。
英語 900 句(美音版),英語 900 句(英音版),商務英語 900 句,生活應用口語,天天一起練口語,日常應用會話口語,基礎口語 1700 句。
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