however well we look after ourselves, 不管我們怎樣精心照料我們自己,
Of course. You may find these rather expensive. 當然。不過這些衣服你可能覺得相當貴。
Don't get mad. It's not worth it. 不值得為這點小事生氣。
You have an eye for beauty. 你有審美的眼光。
Not today. Come back tomorrow! 「今天不行,明天再過來吧!」
Are You Alone Tonight(邀請時的措辭)英語對話練習
But if you are a serious private investor, 但是,如果你是一個認真的私人投資者,
He can't write very much on a card, Mum. 在明信片上他寫不了很多,媽媽。
I'll have studied English for four years next March. 到明年三月,我就學了四年的英語了。[將來完成時,表示將完成…,會做完…]
It's nice to meet you. 很高興見到你 。
Did you enter the contest? 你參加比賽了嗎?
The bull was busy with the matador at the time, 當時那公牛正忙於對付鬥牛士,
I recognize that he is more clever than I am. 我承認他比我聰明。
Where is your birthplace? 你出生在哪裡?
Short is my date, but deathless my renown. 年壽短暫,聲譽永存。
That sounds very interesting. How long will it take you to collect enough money? 聽起來倒是挺有趣的。你要花多長時間才能籌集到足夠的資金呢?
do you need any help? 需要幫忙嗎?
Usually we get on very well with each other. 通常我們相處得很好。
Did you make sesame cakes yourself? 你自己親自做燒餅?
Career Choices(職業選擇) ACT III英語對話練習
Are they from Australia? 他們是來自澳大利亞嗎?
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