Quentin Blake 佈雷克;布萊克;昆丁布萊;布萊克;Quentin Durward 昆廷Quentin Hardy 哈代;QUENTIN NEWARK 紐瓦克;Quentin 昆廷;昆特 法國 第五,第五天;法國 第五,第五天;昆特 法國 第五,第五天。;
1.Quentin Durward is as much a gentleman as the King, only, as the Spaniard says, not so rich. 現在他人不在了,我必須說明,他昆丁·達威特也和國王一般高貴,只是像西班牙人說的那樣,沒有國王那麼富有。
2.As a Buddhist, how do you reconcile your pacifism with the roles your daughter Uma has played in films like Quentin Tarantino's bloody "Kill Bill"? 問:您的女兒烏瑪-瑟曼曾經主演由昆丁-塔倫迪諾導演的血腥動作片《殺死比爾》。做為一名反戰主義者,而且您還是一名喇嘛,您是如何看待您女兒的角色呢?
3.She packed a bag, she packed a bag and go and stay with Mr. Quentin. 她拾掇了一個包裹,她拾掇了一個包去和昆丁先生住在一起。
4.Celia, hot with anger and ready to leap to her feet, felt Quentin's hand on her arm, restraining her. 西莉亞不禁怒火中燒,她剛要站起身來,就感到昆廷的手壓在她的胳膊上,制止著她。
5."I will make my meaning plainer, " said Quentin; and was illustrating it accordingly by more than one instance when the convent bell tolled. 「我想把我的意思說得更明白一些。」昆丁說道,接著他又舉出好幾個例於來解釋。但這時修道院的大鐘忽然響了起來。