SDTabbr. 單二極-三極管(Single Diode-Triode)
SDT 軟件開發工具;數字聲波測井儀;聲波時差;Smart Detecting Technology;SDT SoftwareDevelopmentSupportSystem 軟件開發支持系統;SDT SyntaxDrawnTranslation 句法引導翻譯;SDT meeting 同步開發會議;SDT Segment DescripTor 段描述符;
1.The results showed that from the growth and productivity of winter wheat, SDT>SRT>SNT in most of the traits. 結果表明:從冬小麥的地上部和地下部生長情況和產量、產值來看,多數性狀表現為桔桿還田翻耕>秸稈還田旋耕>秸稈還田免耕;
2.According to PLUS and each PAP , To arrange SDT meeting, phase month review, phase exit review and customer master sample review with SDT team from phase 1 to phase
5. 參照產品投產系統程序和項目進度要求,組織SDT會議,並和項目小組成員一起進行項目月度回顧,階段推出回顧及客戶主樣品的評審等。
3.The paper narrated the technology plan of meter control system reformed by that SDT intelligence control instrument(made in Tianjing Tian hua Technology Development Co. 敘述了烏魯木齊石化公司小本體聚丙烯裝置,採用天津天華科技開發公司研製生產的SDT智能調節器,結合實際生產條件進行儀表控制系統改造的技術方案。