n. gender ,sex activity ,sexual activity ,sexual urgev. arouse ,excite ,turn on ,wind up
SEx[seks]n. 性;性別;性行為;色情vt. 引起…的性慾;區別…的性別
sex 性別;性別(直接選);性交;性,性別;sex ratio 性比;性別比率;性比率;性別比例;sex chromosome 性染色體;釋義:性染色體,性染色質;異染色體;性別染色體 醫療衛生;Platonic Sex 柏拉圖式性愛;柏拉圖式的性愛;柏拉圖式性愛:飯島愛自傳;伯拉圖式的性愛;sex determination 性決定;性別決定;性別決定:通過遺傳或環境的作用使個體建立性別的過程,其實質是性腺的分化的決定。;性別鑒定;
1.We』ve decided to sex up the movie with some battles scenes. 我們決定加幾場戰鬥鏡頭使電影更加刺激觀眾。
2.Money can buy sex, but not love. 錢可以買到性,卻買不到愛情。
3.Day and night I dream about sex. 日日夜夜我都在幻想著性事。
An individual's sex and characteristics are determinded by their unique set of genes. - 個人性別和性格是由他們特有的一套基因決定的。
That politician was involved in too many sex scandals when he was in power. - 那個政客在任期間牽涉進太多的性醜聞之中。
The topic of sex if somewhat taboo in Chinese daily conversation. - 性在中國的日常談話當中是禁忌話題。
or'ho! my father', or'my mother', according to the age and sex of the captive. - 呵!我的爸爸、"呵!我的媽媽通過按象的年齡性別,
sex rate - 兩性比率
sex linkage character; sex-limited character - 伴性性狀
sex linked; sex-linked genes - 伴性的
sex cord storomal tumor with annular tubules - 具有環狀細管的生殖索腫瘤
secondary sex characters; secondary sexual character; secondarysexualcharacter - 副性徵
sex cord stromal tumor of ovary - 卵巢性索間質腫瘤
odd chromosomes; sex chromosomes - 奇染色體
female second sex characters - 女性第二性徵
barr bodies; barr body; sex chromatin - 巴爾氏小體
sex reassignment surgery - 性再造手術
sex determination; sexdetermination - 性決定
sex differentiation - 性分化
sex determination - 性別決定
sex control - 性別控制
sex ratio - 性別比率
sex genotype - 性別遺傳型
determination of sex; sex appraisal - 性別鑒定
sex reversal; sex transformation; sexreversal; sextransformation - 性反轉
sex organ - 性器官
sex factor - 性因子
sex mosaicism; sexmosaicism - 性嵌合
sex attractant substance - 性引誘物質
attractant; sex pheromone - 性引誘素
sex appeal - 性感
sex index - 性指數
sex education - 性教育
chromosome sex chronosome; heterosome; idiochromosome; sex chromosome; sex chromosomes; sexchromosome - 性染色體
sex chromosome mosaic syndrome - 性染色體嵌合型綜合征
sex chromosome abnormalities - 性染色體異常疾患
morphological abnormality of sex chromosome - 性染色體形態異常
idiochromatin; sex chromatin - 性染色質
sex chromatin test - 性染色質試驗
sex ratio - 性比率
gonadalhormone; sex hormone; sex hormones; sexual hormones - 性激素
sex hormone binding globulin - 性激素結合球蛋白
sex psychopathy - 性病態人格
sex linked hypogamma globinemia - 性聯低丙種球蛋白血症
gonad; sex gland; sexual gland - 性腺
gonadal aplasia; gonadal dysgenesis; hypoplasia of sex gland - 性腺發育不全
gonadal dysgenesis; hypoplasis of gonads; sex gland hypoplasia - 性腺發育不良
sex fimbria - 性菌毛
sex reversal; sex transformation; sexreversal; sextransformation - 性轉變
sex linkage; sexlinkage - 性連鎖
sex reversed; sexreversed; sxr - 性逆轉
paschens sex chromatin - 柏興氏小體
sex cellcord; sex cord; sexcellcord - 生殖細胞索
male sex characteristics - 男性性徵
male sex hormone - 男性激素
primary sexual character; primarysexualcharacter; primaryu sex characters - 第一性徵
secondary sex characters - 第二性徵
n.附屬生殖器 - accessory sex organs
腎上腺性激素 - adrenal sex hormone
n.性染色體 - chromosome sex chronosome
細胞學性別 - cytologic sex
n.性別鑒定 - determination of sex
n.女性第二性徵 - female second sex characters
雌性,女性 - female sex
n.雌激素 - female sex hormone
n.雌激素 - female sex hormones
女性性徵 - feminine sex character
胎兒性別 - fetal sex
遺傳學的性 - genetic sex
異配性別 - heterogametic sex
高危險性別 - high-risk sex
同型,同性偶子 - homogametic sex
n.性腺發育不全 - hypoplasia of sex gland
不完全性性連鎖 - incomplete sex linkage
不定性別,模糊性別 - indeterminate sex
男性,雄性 - male sex
n.男性性徵 - male sex characteristics
n.男性激素,雄激素 - male sex hormone
男性性器宮,男性器官 - male sex organs
男性性格,雄性性徵 - masculine sex character
n.性染色體形態異常 - morphological abnormality of sex chromosome
n.胎兒性別判定器 - obstetric sex judgement outfit
n.柏興氏小體 - paschens sex chromatin
預先性臨選擇 - preconceptual sex selection
第一性徵 - primary sex character
第一性徵 - primary sex characters
基本性別比例 - primary sex ratio
n.第一性徵 - primaryu sex characters
安全性別 - safe sex
第二性徵 - secondary sex character
第二性徵 - secondary sex characteristic
n.第二性徵,副性徵 - secondary sex characters
第二性比率 - secondary sex ratio
n.性功能限制試驗 - test of limit for sex