buddhahoodn. 成為佛陀的狀態
Buddhahood 佛果;佛境;perfect buddhahood 圓佛;two vehicles attain buddhahood 二乘作佛;all beings accomplish Buddhahood 一切眾生皆悉成佛;causative period of buddhahood 因時;
1.How to Become a Bodhisattva : An eloquent summary of the practitioner's path from the development of Bodhicitta to Buddhahood by Yogi Chen. 如何成為菩薩:陳上師所寫有關行者如何在菩提道上發展菩提心直至成佛的概要。
2.The reason advanced for this theory is that to achieve Buddhahood means to be one with Wu (Non-being) or, as one might say, with the Universal Mind. 「頓悟成佛」義的理論根據是,成佛就是與「無」同一,也可以說是與宇宙的心同一。
3.It is his Buddhahood — his possession of the full range of excellent qualities that come with perfect enlightenment — that makes the recluse Gotama a refuge. 正是他的佛陀位格──隨著圓滿覺悟而來的、對一切殊勝品質的擁有──使隱者喬達摩成為歸依。