incomer['in,kʌmə]n. 進來者;移民;新來者;侵入者
incomer 進來者;移民與入籍局;侵入者;移民;entrant incomer 進入者;low incomer 收入少的人;incomer switchboard 來電配電板;arrival comer incomer newcomer 新來者;
1.And while I perform all doings of an incomer yet knowing the city already, should I be pleased or depressed. 我還做著新來者的所為,卻為自己已熟知週遭的一切,不知偷笑還是苦惱著。
2.So I'm back to this noisy city. All is the same, nothing's changed. And while I perform all doings of an incomer yet kno… 我又回到了這個嘈雜的城市。一切如常,沒有變化。我還做著新來者的所為,卻為自己已熟知週遭的一切,不知偷笑還是苦惱著。
3.Banks are faced with pressure from all respects: the same business, capital supplier, capital consumer, potential incomer(foreign-ventured banks), and substitutes. 銀行受到各方的壓力:資金供給者、資金需求者、同業、潛在進入者(外資銀行)、替代品。