





n. dropsy ,hydrops ,oedema


edema[i'di:mə]n. [醫]水腫(等於oedema);[植]瘤腺體


edema 水腫;浮腫;水腫 - 過多的液體所造成的身體組織腫脹。;浮腫,水腫;recessive edema 隱性水腫;cellular edema 細胞水腫;細胞水腫?;benign edema 良性水腫;gestational edema 妊娠水腫;子滿;


1.Edema and erythema result . 發生水腫及紅斑。

2.For edema, ascites. 用於水腫腹水。

3.Cerebral edema after cerebral hemorrhage is a secondary pathological condition, which can increase intracranial pressure, even threaten patients life. 腦出血後腦水腫是一種繼發性病理狀態,可使顱內壓增高,甚至威脅患者的生命。


edema due to unacclimatization - 不服水土腫

edema of upper lip - 上唇水腫

lymphatic edema of uppe limb - 上肢淋巴水腫

edema of lower extemity - 下肢浮腫

lymphatic edema of lower limb; lymphoedema of lower limb - 下肢淋巴水腫

blephorophimosis of the newborn; palpebral edema of the newborn - 初生目閉

allergic edema of prepuce - 包皮過敏性水腫

massive edema of ovary - 卵巢大片水腫

edema of limbs - 四肢水腫

obstructive edema of glottis - 聲門梗阻性水腫

edema during pregnancy; edema of pregnancy - 妊娠水腫

edema during pegnancy - 妊娠腫脹

edema of cervix - 子宮頸水腫

edema during pregnancy - 子腫

edema in children - 小兒浮腫

edema caused by infantile convulsion - 驚水

edema with the heart involved - 心水

infective obstructive edema of glottis - 感染性聲門梗阻性水腫

edema of the dorsum of the foot - 敷腫

vernal edema of lung - 春季肺水腫

aerocele; edema due to disorder of qi; edema due to disorder of the vital energy; emphysema - 氣腫

pulmonary edema due to oxygen poisoning - 氧中毒性肺水腫

edema proteinuria hypertension syndrome; edemasedemata; hydrops; oedema - 水腫

edema factor - 水腫因子

pulmonary edema due to drowning - 淹溺性肺水腫

severe edema due to hypofunction of the spleen - 皮水

mucous edema face; myxedema face - 粘液性水腫面容

edema during menstruation - 經期水腫

pulmonary edema due to occupational poisoning - 職業中毒性肺水腫

edema with the liver involved; the liver edema - 肝水

edema with the lung involved - 肺水

generalized edema with abdominal distention; swelling; tumefaction; tumour; turgescence - 腫脹

edema sith impairment of the kidney - 腎水

edema due to the kidney insufficiency - 腎水泛

edema due to the kidney insufficiency - 腎虛水泛

edema due to kidney deficiency; edema due to the kidney deficiency - 腎虛水腫

severe edema of lower limbs - 脆腳

edema of foot - 腳腫

edema with the spleen involved the splenic edema - 脾水

edema bullosum vesicae - 膀胱大皰性水腫

edema of deficiency type; puffiness - 虛腫

albuminuria; edema proteinuria hypertension syndrome; serumuria - 蛋白尿

edema due to blood stasis; hematomas - 血腫

edema due to yang insufficiency; overflow of water due to deficiency of yang - 陽虛水泛

edema of scrotum - 陰囊水腫

edema of face; edema of the face - 面目浮腫

edema of the face - 面腫

edema caused by wind; wind edema - 風水

edema proteinuria hypertension syndrome - 高血壓綜合征

edema with yellowish tinge of skin; general edema with yellowish tinge of skin - 黃胖


n.白游風 - acute angioneurotic edema

n.急性化學性肺水腫 - acute chemical pulmonary edema

n.急性血管神經性水腫 - acute circumscribed edema

n.急性自發水腫 - acute essential edema

急性浮腫性胰腺炎 - acute pancreatitis edema

n.急性肺水腫 - acute pulmonary edema

n.變應性水腫 - allergic edema

n.包皮過敏性水腫 - allergic edema of prepuce

營養不良性水腫,食物性浮腫 - alimentary edema

n.經閉發腫 - amenorrhea accompanied by edema

n.血管神經性水腫 - angioneuro edema

n.急性血管神經性水腫,急性自發水腫 - angioneurotic edema

n.顯性水腫 - apparent edema

n.吸入性肺膿腫,吸入性肺水腫 - aspiration pulmonary edema

n.上行性水腫 - ascending edema

n.藍色水腫 - blue edema

腦水腫 - brain edema

褐色水腫 - brown edema

n.惡病質性水腫 - cachectic edema

n.心病性水腫,心原性水腫 - cardiac edema

n.心原性肺水腫 - cardiogenic pulmonary edema

角叉萊膠水腫 - carrageenin edema

n.腦水腫 - cerebral edema

n.腦細胞水腫 - cerebrocellular edema

n.腦水腫 - cereral edema

側支性水腫,間接水腫 - collateral edema

震盪浮腫,震盪水腫 - concussion edema

n.對側性水腫 - contralateral edema

角膜浮腫 - corneal edema

n.呆小病樣水腫 - cretinoid edema

週期性水腫 - cyclic edema

n.黃斑囊樣水腫 - cystoid macular edema

n.濕腫 - damp edema

n.越婢湯 - decoction for relieving edema

糖尿病性水腫 - diabetic edema

n.脾水 - edema with the spleen involved the splenic edema

n.顏面浮腫 - facial edema

n.胎兒水腫 - fetus edema

n.水氣亦指水腫 - Fluid qi also refers to edema

n.五水 - five kinds of edema

氣性水腫 - gaseous edema

n.浮腫 - genera edema

n.膚脹,膚腫 - general edema

n.黃胖 - general edema with yellowish tinge of skin

n.腫脹 - generalized edema with abdominal distention

n.子滿 - gestational edema

聲門水腫 - glottic edema

聲門水腫 - glottis edema

n.高溫性水腫 - heat edema

n.肝病性水腫,肝性水腫 - hepatic edema

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