egosn. 自我(ego的複數)
EGOS 氧傳感器;European Group on Ocean Stations;European Group for Organizational Studies;自我;auxiliary egos 配角演員;Personality egos 性自我;Clash of Egos 誰才是導演; 誰才是導演;誰才是導演;Those with big egos 大牌球星雲集;
1.Too often our pride and egos can keep us from enjoying intimate relationships. 經常我們的傲慢自負能夠阻止我們享受親密的關係。
2.In unconsciousness, the third chakra gives us the strongest sense of separation through egos identification. 在無意識裡,第三個脈論透過自我證明給我們最強烈分裂的感覺。
3.So let me stroke your egos for a moment by pointing out, quite sincerely, that your diplomas were not attained in vain. 因此,為了激發一下你們的自負,我要真誠地指出,你們拿到的畢業證書也不是毫無用處的。