be taken aback boggle boggle at fright 吃驚;fright 驚駭;吃驚;驚魂;害怕;competition fright 怯場;fright usance 運費收款期限;FRIGHT COLLECT 運費到付;
1.The farther I was from the occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions were, which is something contrary to the nature of such things. 離開我受驚的時候越遠我的疑懼反而越大。這種情況,未免有點反乎常情。
2.He said, his now calmed demeanor not belaying his fright. 他說道,但他表面的平靜舉止並不能掩蓋他害怕的情緒。
3.A couple of the farmers turned to look blearily and incuriously in their direction, and he felt a stab of fright, remembering that he was a fugitive. 幾個農民轉頭,目光迷離、全無好奇地朝這邊看看,這時,他突然升起一陣恐懼,記起來自己是個逃犯。
4.He'd never met Ledger before, so when Ledger arrived and performed he gave Caine such a fright he forgot his lines. 他之前從未見過希斯·萊傑,所以當萊傑達到後開始表演時,他的表現讓凱恩被震懾到忘記了台詞。
5.No wonder they drink , smoke , fright , carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior . 難怪他們喝酒、抽煙、打架、狂歡作樂也許做出不當的社會動。
A shiver of fright ran through them as he dove from the cliff. - 他從懸崖躍下時,恐怖的顫慄掠過了全身。
The one with the money got such a fright that he dropped the bag. - 拿錢的那個小偷嚇得把提包都扔了。
The men got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away. - 這兩個人嚇了一跳,扔下提包逃跑了。
fright at ight; fright at night or night terror; night terrors; nightterrors; nigth terror; pavor nocturnus - 夜驚
sudden fright in children - 小兒暴驚
fright interrupts the flow of qi - 驚則氣亂
fright reaction - 驚嚇反應
fright neurosis - 驚嚇性神經功能病
fright stage - 驚嚇期
great fright impairs the kidney energy - 恐傷腎
firht causing sinking of qi; fright causing singing of qi - 恐則氣下
fright due to deficiency of qi - 氣怯
jaundice due to fright or traumatic injury - 膽黃
n.驚瀉 - diarrhea induced by fright
n.吃一驚 - get a fright
n.恐傷腎 - great fright impairs the kidney energy
n.驚傷脅痛 - hypochondriac pain due to fright
n.客忤 - infantile convulsive seizure due to fright
n.客忤 - infatile convulsive seizure due to fright
n.膽黃 - jaundice due to fright or traumatic injury
n.驚悸 - palpitation due to fright
n.驚悸 - plpitation due to fright
n.小兒暴驚 - sudden fright in children
n.喜驚 - susceptible to fright
n.善驚 - susceptilble to fright
n.驚呈 - vomiting due to fright
n.驚吐 - vomiting in infancy caused by fright