snail-slow['sneilsləu]adj. 慢得像蝸牛的;慢吞吞的
snail-slow 慢得像蝸牛的;snail-paced snail-slow 慢得像蝸牛的;
1.Long-term since, we are calling economic structural adjustment all the time, but structural adjustment is like snail however like slow. 長期以來,我們一直在喊經濟結構調整,但結構調整卻如蝸牛般的緩慢。
2.Slow progress against snail-feverPAINT flakes off the signs that dot the shore of Poyang lake, rendering the faded red characters unreadable. 鄱陽湖岸邊的標牌油漆已開始斑駁,上面紅色的文字已經無從辨認。
3.Then there is the high graphical content of the rich world's web: videos and social networking are unworkable in the snail-slow dial-up offered in most African internet cafes. 只有這樣,非洲用戶才能應用到豐富的世界網址所提供的詳實信息:在非洲國家撥號極慢的大多數網吧,應用視頻和社交網絡是不切實際的。