Doggie Entertainment 多奇娛樂工作室;amusement entertainment fun disport distraction pastime recreation 娛樂;Arenas Entertainment 納斯娛樂公司;Artisan Entertainment 娛樂公司;藝匠公司;提森娛樂;藝匠影片公司;AEP Audio Entertainment Player 音頻娛樂播放機;
1.Entertainment is a hundred percent with a long history of entertainment news programs. 娛樂百分百是有著多年歷史的娛樂新聞類節目。
2.Entertainment costs, taxes, tips, cover charges, room rentals, maids and waiters are all subject to the 50% limit on entertainment deductions. 娛樂費用抵減50%限制有,娛樂費用,稅金小費,支付費用,房間的租金,女傭和服務費。
3.Charles Roven's Atlas Entertainment will produce alongside Raimi's Stars Road Entertainment. 查爾斯·羅文的阿特拉斯娛樂公司將鼎力協助雷米的星路娛樂進行拍攝。
4.He believes that the "computer entertainment" industry used to be composed of very separate elements, computers and entertainment - which have now reached a "combination point". 他說過去「電腦娛樂」行業其實一直存在了「電腦」和「娛樂」分離的現象,現在是該使兩者有機結合的時候了。
5.Cirque du Soleil (English: "Circus of the Sun"), is a Canadian entertainment company, self-described as a "dramatic mix of circus arts and street entertainment. 加拿大的太陽馬戲團是一個將馬戲表演與街頭藝術融合起來的表演團體,在全世界都享有盛名。