FATT 脆性轉變溫度;韌脆轉變溫度;裂紋擴展轉變溫度;fracture appearance transition temperature;JEFF FATT 關偉剛;Phang Thim Fatt 官彭添發;Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion 張弼士故居;色故居;張弼士故居;David Chan Fatt Chow 陳發秋(義安理工學院資訊與通訊科技學院主任);
1.Now, if the people are discussing this topic, perhaps should also think that Vander Fatt also calculated replaces one of Lowell candidates. 現在,如果人們在討論這個話題,恐怕也該想想范德法特是不是也算頂替勞爾的人選之一。
2.The results indicate that the temperature of the last stages' center bore is only about 90℃ that is below FATT after cold start-up's 60 min. 計算結果表明,冷態啟動過程中,汽輪機中壓轉子末級中心孔部位在啟動沖轉60分鐘定速後,其溫度只有90℃左右,遠低於FATT值。
3.Although Shusiteer has not praised the performance hat trick alone Vander Fatt, but holds the affirmative attitude obviously regarding his score efficiency. 舒斯特爾雖未單獨表揚上演帽子戲法的范德法特,但對於他的得分效率顯然是持肯定態度的。