





annual addenda 年度增補;annual advances 常年墊付;每年墊付;Allotments for annual expenditures 歲出分配數;歲詘分蓜數;allotments for annual receipts 歲入分配數;Allotted annual receipts 歲入分配數;年度收入分配數,歲入分配數;歲入分蓜數;年度收入分配數;


1.There is better relationship between the frequency of the landslide and debris flow hazards and annual precipitation, annual rainstorm number and annual heavy rain number. 滑坡泥石流災害發生次數與年降水量、年暴雨次數及年大雨次數有著很好的對應關係;

2.The Legion Annual Fellowship is an annual gathering of Chinese-speaking Legionaries. 聖母軍交流會是華文聖母軍年度集會。

3.Diameter of heart wood, annual ring width, and annual ring width of heart wood decreased with increasing tree height. 心材直徑、年輪寬、及心材年輪寬均隨樹高增加而減少,但邊材長度及邊材年輪寬則不受樹高影響。

4.Annual ring (growth ring) The annual increase in girth of the stems or roots of woody plants, as a result of cambial activity. 木本植物形成層的活動隨著季節的更替而表現出有節奏的變化。

5.Annual ring (growth ring) The annual increase in girth of the stems or roots of woody plants, as a result of cambial activity. 木本植物形成層的活動隨著季節的更替而表現出有節奏的變化。


The annual school sports meet is held in March. - 每年一次校運會在三月份舉行。

I want to welcome you all here for the fourth annual meeting of our Asian sales staff. - 歡迎所有來參加我們亞洲推銷員第四屆年會的代表。

It had been purchased by a local authority so that an enormous pie could be baked for an annual fair. - 某地方當局買下它用來焙制一個巨大的餡餅為一年一度交易會助興。

that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures - 衛生部門的年度藥費上升到了天文數字,


annual plant - 一年生植物

five annual divisions - 五季

four seaons and five annual divisions; four seasons and five annual divisions - 四時五季

annual dose - 年劑量

ali; annual limit of intake - 年攝入量

ali; annual intake limits; annual limit of intake - 年攝入量限值

annual maximum permissible dose equivalent - 年最大容許劑量當量

annual ring - 年輪

maximum permissible annual dose - 最大容許年劑量

annual actual mortality - 每年實際死亡率

equivalent annual consumption - 等效年用量

annual menses - 避年


n.等效年用量 - equivalent annual consumption

假年輪 - false annual ring

n.五季 - five annual divisions

n.四時五季 - four seaons and five annual divisions

n.四時五季 - four seasons and five annual divisions

n.最大容許年劑量 - maximum permissible annual dose

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