schizo-['skidzəu; 'skitsəu]comb.form表示「分裂」,「裂開」,「解離」:schizocarp, schizophrenia [尤在元音字母前亦作 schiz-]
schizo- 撕裂、裂隙、分裂;schizo-subjects 主體;Schizo-phyceae 即裂殖藻綱;schizo-drupe 裂殖小核;schizo-affectiveschizophrenia 情感分裂型精神分裂症;
1.They think I have schizo-affective disorder. 他們以為我精神紊亂。
2.But I was a little schizo about it, because I could feel that there were things shaping up at REF-Tirol that the Folks Back Home would need to know about, too. 但同時也感到有些手足無措,因為我能覺察到在遠征軍和泰洛那一邊有些事情正在醞釀,而這些也應該讓家鄉的父老鄉親們知道。
3.But I was a little schizo about it, because I could feel that there were things shaping up at REF-Tirol that the Folks Back Home would need to know about, too. 但同時也感到有些手足無措,因為我能覺察到在遠征軍與泰洛間有些事情正在醞釀,而這些也應該讓家鄉的父老鄉親們知道。