DIN[din]vt. 喧鬧,絮絮不休地說vi. 喧鬧,絮絮不休地說n. 喧囂
DIN 德國標準;德標;德國工業標準;德國;din trophenylhydrazine 二硝基苯肼;Guide Din 導向針;DIN STANDARD 德制螺牙;德國標準;DOUBLE DIN 收音機托架總成;
1.I din it into him that he have to manage thing differently . 我三番五次告訴他得改一改處理事情的方法了。
2.Luckily, in the search for new materials and properties, nature's voice can still be heard over the din of our prejudices. 幸運的是,在尋找新材料及性質的過程中,大自然的聲音仍然可以在我們的喧囂聲中浮現。
3.The Munroe girls rushed up to exclaim over her dress, and she was speedily the centre of a circle of voices that rose higher and higher in efforts to be heard above the din. 曼羅家的姑娘們衝上來誇她的衣服,她很快就被人圍了一圈,成了這些人談話的中心,而且話音越來越高,努力想壓過喧鬧聲而使人能夠聽見。