rabbinate['ræbinit, -neit]n. 猶太法學博士的身份;猶太法學博士們
rabbinate 猶太法學博士;猶太法學博士的身份;Chief Rabbinate 總法師;大拉比院;
1.This stereotypical biography did not help her any more at the rabbinate than the line on her birth certificate listing her nationality as Jewish. 這個典型的故事並沒有在猶太法庭上幫助到她,反而她身份證上的猶他民族身份幫了她更大的忙。
2.The law on marriage inside Israel remains restrictive: for Jewish citizens, a religious ceremony, as laid down by the rabbinate, is the only kind recognised. 以色列國內的婚姻法仍然相當嚴格:對猶太公民而言,只有經由拉比施行了宗教儀式的結合方式才是受到認可的。
3.Proving you are Jewish to Israel's state rabbinate can be difficult, it turns out, especially if you came to Israel from the United States — or, as in Sharon's case, if your mother did. 證明你是以色列國家猶太博士是非常困難的,如果你是從美國回來的,或者從她的例子來說,她母親是從美國回來的。