





a. founded


based[beist]v. 立基於,以…為基礎(base的過去式和過去分詞)adj. 有根基的


based 基準;立基於;向基底的;基層;graphic based 圖像基準;aircraft based 機載的;memory based 根據記憶的;capacitive based 電容型的;


1.Friendship should be based on (upon) mutual respect. 友誼是建立在彼此的尊重上。

2.Tragedy is a form of art based on human suffering that offers its audience pleasure. 悲劇是一種的人類痛苦用藝術形式基礎來呈現,提供觀眾高興。

3.Based on the study of construction network project, the authors pose a new estimate criterion: construction quality and set up the networks mathematics model. 通過對施工網絡進度計劃的研究,提出一種新的評價準則——工程質量,並建立了網絡計劃的數學模型。


A good marriage takes work and shouldn't be based on feelings alone. - 一段好的婚姻要用心去經營,而不是僅僅建立在感情的基礎上。

Because some of their criticisms are based on misconceptions about our country. - 因為他們對我們的一些批評主要是基於對我們國家的誤解。

It's the language of human relationship that is based on trust, openness, and understanding. - 那就是基於信任、開放、和理解的人際關係的語言。

Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. - 我們的對外貿易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有無為基礎的。

A cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact. - 貓在跌落時能夠大難不死是有事實作為依據的。

Most funny stories are based on comic situations. - 大部分令人發笑的故事都是根據喜劇情節編寫的。

Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, - 以最低成本獲取最多產品,

It was necessary to recognize that these institutions which are based on the same premises, - 必須認識到,這些建立在相同前提基礎上的風俗,

Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, - 誠然,露營地本身也存在以露營裝備和方式取人的勢利現象,

Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. - 我們的對外貿易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有無為基礎的。


prognosis based on the five zang-pulses; prognosis based on the fivezang-pulses; the pulse conditions of the five viscera - 五決

the raising of standard based on populaization - 在普及基礎上提高

n. amine based bath - 氨基浴

computer based pulse hight analyzer - 用計算機的脈衝高度分析器

n. silicon based alloy - 硅基合金

n. refractory metal based alloy - 耐火金屬基合金

n. amine based bath - 胺底槽

wax based granulation - 蠟基質成粒法

n. refractory metal based alloy - 難熔金屬基合金

n. refractory metal based alloy - 高熔點金屬基合金


n.用計算機的脈衝高度分析器 - computer based pulse hight analyzer

n.五決 - prognosis based on the five zang-pulses

n.五決 - prognosis based on the fivezang-pulses

n.在普及基礎上提高 - the raising of standard based on populaization

不公平的基於誤解的不公平怨恨 - unjustified resentment based on misunderstanding

n.蠟基質成粒法 - wax based granulation

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