leaseholds['li:shəuld]n. 租賃;租賃權adj. 租賃的
Leaseholds 租賃權;租約;土地租賃權;delay rentals for leaseholds 租賃期內的過期租金;Leaseholds and Leasehold Improvements That Cannot Be Removed 租賃物和租入資產的改良支出;Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Trial of Dispute Cases Involving Contracts on State-owned Leaseholds Interpretation 關於審理涉及國有土地使用權合同糾紛案件適用法律問題的解釋;
1.Provisions on State-owned construction leaseholds amended to curb developers from stocking up land. 修訂>澄清了國有建設用地使用權,防止發展商囤積土地。
2.The people who bought the franchises paid stiff money and they had to take leaseholds on the shops which were in prime locations. 那些買特許經營權的人必須花上一筆大錢,他們還必須在黃金地段來租家店面。
3.Article 3: The assignment, leasing out and mortgaging of allocated leaseholds (hereafter, "leaseholds") shall be governed by these Procedures. 第三條劃撥土地使用權(以下簡稱「土地使用權」)的轉讓、出租、抵押活動,適用本辦法。