and Reverend Galamison I guess you've heard of him is another Christian minister in New York who has been deeply involved in the school boycotts to eliminate segregated education 我自己本身也是部長,不是基督教部長而是穆斯林教部長,我相信在鬥爭的所有陣線上,無論哪一個條陣線都是必要的。;在我們審問和解釋之前,投票和子彈是什麼意思,我願意闡明關於我自己的某些事情。我仍然是穆斯林信徒;馬丁路德金也是一個基督教部長,沿著亞特蘭大和喬治亞他作為另一個為了我們國家黑人的權利組織鬥爭的首領;我的信仰仍然是伊斯蘭教。那是我個人的信仰。正如亞當克萊頓鮑威爾是一個基督教的部長一樣,他作為在紐約阿比西cassock clergyman gownsman reverend 教士;cassock clergyman gownsman reverend 教士;cleric clerical ecclesiastic ecclesiastical parsonic pastoral reverend 牧師的;the lawman reverend 克裡斯;
1.The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton was well received, and two more stories quickly followed. 她的《阿莫斯-巴頓教士的悲傷命運》受到好評,緊接著又發表了另外兩篇故事。
2.The Reverend Anthony Carr, of East Peckham, walked into the station in Tonbridge, asked to report a crime and then started smoking. 來自東派肯村的牧師卡爾走進湯布裡奇鎮警局,表示他要通報一項罪行,然後就開始抽菸。
3.One of the boys had said: "Here comes Reverend Grimes, " and nodded, in brief , respectful silence. 一個男孩子說了聲:「格蘭姆斯牧師來了,」跟著點了點頭,恭恭敬敬地沉默大片刻。
4.The player impersonates both Billy, a sneaking fugitive, and reverend Ray his uncompromising hunter, all in one game. 球員都模仿比利,偷跑逃犯,牧師和他的光線妥協獵人,在所有的遊戲之一。
5.Yong Su (who studied and developed Mahayana Buddhism): I firmly believe that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the True Parent, Messiah and Savior of humankind. 龍樹(研究及發展出大乘佛教):我堅定地相信文鮮明牧師是真父母、彌賽亞及人類的救主。