signets['signit]n. 印;圖章vt. 蓋章於
More Sunfury Signets 更多的日怒徽章 更多日怒徽章;Mantra of Signets 紋章頌歌;紋章禱文;
1.The two grey agate are a couple of signets, In every signet, there is a full of beans magic d pen. 此石為瑪瑙石,是一對印章。整體顏色為灰色.在每一塊印章的中間出現一幅圖案,像一枝毛筆,飽蘸水墨,垂垂欲滴。
2.And they wrought onyx stones inclosed in ouches of gold, graven, as signets are graven, with the names of the children of Israel. 又琢出兩塊紅瑪瑙,鑲在金槽上,彷彿刻圖書,按著以色列兒子的名字雕刻。
3.The methods of the exploitation of the signet resources are the ones on the base of the qualities of the stones themselves and the famous persons who used or sculpted the signets. 中酸性陸相火山岩的蝕變巖是印章石的主要資源,以石為名和以人為名是印章石資源開發中的主要途徑。