





Accepted 錄取通知;已接受;接受;接受的,已承兌的;ACC Accepted 接受,同意;accepted bill 已承兌票據;已承兌匯票;已承兌匯票已承兌票據;已承兌匯票,已承兌票據;accepted check 保付支票;generally accepted 通用的;普遍承認的;一般公認;普遍接受的;


1.Deformity, disease and a shortened life span become the accepted norm, the accepted belief system. 畸形、疾病和縮短的壽命成為被接受的常態、被接受的信仰系統。

2.For the first 11 cases, we adopted the way of removing nodule and among the rest 51 cases, 30 accepted subtotal thyroidectomy, and 21 accepted gland lobectomy. 初期11例僅行甲狀腺腺瘤摘除術,後期51例根據術中探查結果30例行甲狀腺次全切除,21例行腺葉切除術。

3.No glass mounts or framed photographs will be accepted. No signature, subtitle or water print effect will be accepted either. 參賽照片請勿裝裱或加框。也不能留款或加字幕、水印等。

4.For the first 11 cases, we adopted the way of removing nodule and among the rest 51 cases, 30 accepted subtotal thyroidectomy, and 21 accepted gland lobectomy. 初期11例僅行甲狀腺腺瘤摘除術,後期51例根據術中探查結果30例行甲狀腺次全切除,21例行腺葉切除術。

5.No glass mounts or framed photographs will be accepted. No signature, subtitle or water print effect will be accepted either. 參賽照片請勿裝裱或加框。也不能留款或加字幕、水印等。


Major credit cards are accepted in this supermarket. - 這家超市接受大多數的信用卡支付。

He accepted an offer of help. - 他接受了援助的建議。

The college I applied to has accepted me. - 我報名的學院已經錄取我了。

We accepted their challenge to a baseball game. - 我們接受了他們棒球邀請賽的挑戰。

Please note that all our prices are quoted on CIF basis. This is our general practice, which we believe will be accepted by you. - 請注意我方所報的都是CIF 價,這是我方一貫作法,希望你方能接受。

Unless there is a sudden change of political situation, it is not accepted to execute the contract only partially. - 除非有什麼突然的政局變化,否則執行部分合同不能被接受。

On the other hand, your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat -- the normally accepted practice in many northern countries. - 另一方面,你一想到動物油炸土豆就會反胃,但這在北方許多國家卻是一種普通的烹任方法。

Though he kept throwing up his arms in despair, he readily accepted the $5 I have him. - 雖然他絕望地舉起雙手,但他毫不遲疑地收下了我付給他的5鎊錢。

In time, it became an accepted fact the Cox brothers employed a conscientious ghost that did most of their work for them. - 隨著時間的流逝,考科斯兄弟雇了一個盡心盡責的鬼,他們家的活大部分都讓鬼給幹了,這件事成了公認的事實。

Readers happily accepted the fact that an obscure maidservant was really the hero's mother. - 當時的讀者卻愉快地接受這樣一些事實,一個低賤的女傭實際上是主人公的母親;

so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea, while he telephoned the police. - 於是坐了下來,喝了一杯濃茶。與此同時,看門的人給警察掛了電話。

History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help, but in all probability he did. - 他的朋友是否接受了他的藥物治療,歷史沒有記載,但很可能是接受了。


accepted point mutation - 受點突變

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