infielder['in,fi:ldə]n. 內野手,內場手
infielder 內場手;內野手;內場員;守壘員;
1.He only got it into the infield, and the infielder quickly got the ball to first base. 因為他只把球打到內野,而內野手很快把球傳回了一壘。
2.TAMPA, Fla. — When Art Kusnyer saw the replay of Shelley Duncan's rough slide at second base Wednesday, he did not see a reckless thug trying to hurt an infielder. 當ArtKusnyer看到星期三鄧肯粗魯的滑向二壘的重播動作時,他不認為是要傷害內野手的魯莽行為。
3.In baseball, as well, neither the spectacular batter nor the brilliant infielder is recognized as truly valuable until he acquires this capacity to blend into the harmonies of the team. 同樣在壘球隊中,無論是傑出的擊球手還是出色的內野手,只有當他學到了這種本領並同全隊 協調一致的 時候,才被認為是真正有價值的。