overjoyed[,əuvə'dʒɔid]adj. 狂喜的;極度高興的v. 使…萬分高興;使…狂喜(overjoy的過去分詞)
overjoyed 極度高興;狂喜的;曾有的歡喜;狂喜;overjoyed impairment 釋義:喜傷;be overjoyed 喜出望外;額手稱慶;大喜過望;all were overjoyed 皆大歡喜;To be overjoyed 喜出望外;
1.I, for my part, was overjoyed to get away out of that quiet countryside, and go to a great, busy house. 我呢,卻因為能離開冷清清的鄉下,到一個熱鬧的大家庭去,竟樂得飄飄然不知所以。
2.The seals and dolphins in the Sea World are capable of various acting techniques, which make the children audience overjoyed. 在海洋世界公園,海豹和海豚能夠表演各種技巧,逗得小觀眾們樂不可支。
3.Corn, one by one with a smile revealing a small translucent yellow teeth, some of them blowing beard, overjoyed, as if what fun things met. 玉米一個個笑著露出了黃色的半透明的小牙,有的還吹著鬍鬚,樂不可支,好像遇見了什麼開心事。