medium-term['mi:diəm'tə:m]adj. 中期的
medium-term 中期;中項;中期的;Medium-term scheduling 中程調度;中期調度;中期調度(法);medium-term forecast 中期預測;medium-term perspective 中期展望;medium-term loans 中期放款;
1.That demands a credible medium-term plan to cut deficits. 這就需要一個中期可靠的計劃來將赤字降低。
2.The economists also looked at the effects of macroeconomic policy, concluding that bigger increases in government spending help to limit the medium-term damage from recessions. 經濟學家也注重宏觀經濟政策的作用,認為政府支出的更多增長有助於限制經濟衰退所帶來的中期損失。
3.CGD, through BCA, will provide a medium-term credit line to finance the acquisition and assembly of solar panels under more attractive conditions that currently offered by consumer credit. 葡儲蓄總行通過大西洋商業銀行提供中期信用額度,以更有吸引力的條件收購、組裝太陽能板。目前資金由個人信貸提供。