a. aflutter ,anxious ,flighty ,neural
nervous['nə:vəs]adj. 神經的;緊張不安的;強健有力的
nervous 緊張的;神經的;緊張;神經質;Nervous coordination 神經協調;nervous indigestion 神經性消化不良;釋義:神經性消化不良;nervous rhinitis 神經性鼻炎;釋義:神經性鼻炎;get nervous 變得緊張;(變得)緊張的;(變得)緊張的;緊張;
1.The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe. 沙漠值得這個神經緊張的僕人觀察。
2.Some could not understand his samadhi and described it as a nervous malady. 一些人不能明白他的三摩地,形容它是神經緊張的疾病。
3.Powell appears to be so nervous start, but under the present is so easy one. 鮑威爾的起跑顯得那麼緊張,而在場下又是那麼輕鬆的一個人。
But I think he was nervous tonight. - 但我想他今晚有點緊張。
You'd better not make Harry any more nervous than he is. - 你最好別讓Harry更加緊張了。
As soon as I recover from my nervous breakdown. - 只等我從神經崩潰中恢復過來。
I always get nervous in her company. - 跟她在一起,我老是緊張。
Lacks confidence and poise is nervous and ill at ease. - 信心不足,不夠自信,精神緊張,心神不定。
I will happily admit that I am as nervous as a cat on a hot roof. - 我承認現在我非常緊張,像熱鍋上的螞蟻一樣。
It was my first flight. I was nervous when the plane took off. - 我第一次坐飛機,起飛時我有點緊張。
The boy was too nervous to speak. - 那男孩緊張得說不出話來。
I felt very nervous when I went into his office. - 我走進他的辦公室,感到非常緊張。
He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone. - 他顯然非常緊張,侷促不安地在麥克風前站了好幾分鐘。
involunatary nervous system - 不隨意神經系統
nervous stimulant poisoning - 中樞興奮藥中毒
syphilis of central nervous system - 中樞神經梅毒
centrall nervous circuitry - 中樞神經環路
central nervous system; systema nervosum centrale - 中樞神經系
central nervous system - 中樞神經系統
central nervous system death; centralnervoussystemdeath - 中樞神經系統型死亡
central nervous system syndrom; centralnervoussystemsyndrom - 中樞神經系統型綜合征
central nervous system syndrome - 中樞神經系統的綜合症
transmitter in central nervous system - 中樞遞質
sympathetic nervous center - 交感中樞
sympathetic bervous system; sympathetic nerve system; sympathetic nervous system; sympathetic system; systema vervorum sympathicum - 交感神經系統
human higher nervous activity - 人類高級神經活動
visceral nervous system - 內臟神經系統
parasympathetic nervous system - 副交感神經系統
parasympathetic nervous system - 副交感經系統
peripheral nervous system; systema nervosum periphericum - 周圍神經系
peripheral nervous system - 周圍神經系統
pavlovshigher nervous activity theory - 巴甫洛夫高級神經活動學說
ectopic nervous tissue - 異位神經組織
diffuse nervous syste - 散漫性神經系
disorder of vegetative nervous function - 植物神經失調
autonomic nerve system; autonomic nervous system; autonomicnervesystem; vegetative nervous system - 植物神經系統
myopathy of vegetative nervous system - 植物神經系統肌病
ladder type of nervous system - 梯形神經系
autonomic nervous function; vegetative nervous function - 植物性神經功能
autonomic nervous system; vegetative nervous system - 植物性神經系統
The patient is in a nervous state - 病人處於精神不安狀態
nerve plexus; nervous plexus - 神經叢
nervous stimulants - 神經興奮藥
nervous gastritis - 神經性胃炎
nervous activities - 神經活動
nervous pulmonary edema - 神經源性肺水腫
nervous disease; neuropathy - 神經病
nervous lesion - 神經病變
localizing sings of nervous disease - 神經病定位體征
nervous tissue - 神經組織
net-like nervous system - 網狀神經系
spinal nervous system - 脊髓神經系
central nervous system acute radiation disease - 腦型急性放射病
central nervous system death; centralnervoussystemdeath - 腦型死亡
central nervous system syndrom; centralnervoussystemsyndrom - 腦型綜合征
chain-like nervous system - 鏈狀神經系
esophageal nervous dyskinesia - 食管經性運動障礙
higher nervous activity - 高級神經活動
higher nervous activity theory - 高經神經活動學說
動物神經系統 - animal nervous system
n.植物性神經功能 - autonomic nervous function
自律神經檢查法 - autonomic nervous operation method
n.植物神經系統,植物性神經系統 - autonomic nervous system
自律神經系疾患 - autonomic nervous system disease
自主神經系統 - autonomous nervous system
自主神經系統,植物性神經系統 - automatic nervous system
n.中樞神經系,中樞神經系統 - central nervous system
n.腦型急性放射病 - central nervous system acute radiation disease
中樞神經系作用藥 - central nervous system agent
中樞神經系變化 - central nervous system change
n.腦型死亡,中樞神經系統型死亡 - central nervous system death
中樞神經系抑製藥 - central nervous system depressant
中樞神經系抑製作用 - central nervous system depressant action
腦脊髓病 - central nervous system disease
中樞神經系副作用 - central nervous system side-effect
中樞神經系興奮,中樞神經系興奮藥 - central nervous system stimulant
中樞興奮作用 - central nervous system stimulant action
中樞神經系症狀 - central nervous system symptom
n.腦型綜合征,中樞神經系統型綜合征 - central nervous system syndrom
n.中樞神經系統的綜合症 - central nervous system syndrome
中樞神經系毒性 - central nervous system toxicity
n.中樞神經環路 - centrall nervous circuitry
n.鏈狀神經系 - chain-like nervous system
集中神經系統 - concentrated nervous system
深部神經系統 - deep nervous system
n.散漫性神經系 - diffuse nervous syste
瀰散神經系統 - diffuse nervous system
n.植物神經失調 - disorder of vegetative nervous function
n.異位神經組織 - ectopic nervous tissue
表皮神經系統 - epidermal nervous system
n.食管經性運動障礙 - esophageal nervous dyskinesia
高壓神經綜合征 - high pressure nervous syndrome
n.高級神經活動 - higher nervous activity
n.高經神經活動學說 - higher nervous activity theory
n.人類高級神經活動 - human higher nervous activity
n.不隨意神經系統 - involunatary nervous system
非自主神經系統 - involuntary nervous system
梯形神經系統 - ladder-like nervous system
n.梯形神經系 - ladder type of nervous system
n.神經病定位體征 - localizing sings of nervous disease
自主性神性學醫學生 - medice for autonomic nervous
運動神經系統 - motor nervous system
n.植物神經系統肌病 - myopathy of vegetative nervous system
n.網狀神經系 - net-like nervous system
n.副交感經系統,副交感神經系統 - parasympathetic nervous system
自主神經系統副交感神經部,植物性神經系統副交感神經部 - parasympathetic part of autonomic nervous system
n.巴甫洛夫高級神經活動學說 - pavlovshigher nervous activity theory
n.周圍神經系,周圍神經系統 - peripheral nervous system
外周神經素 - peripheral nervous system tumor