Okern. 奧克(德國一河流名)
oker 鑄造改良黃銅;撥火棍;赭色;oker face 撲克面孔(喜怒不形於色);
1.It is the group of 2 the world that instantly is having, he is a bit OKer idea is not spent above. 倒是當下正在進行著的二人世界,他可以一點心思都不花在上面。
2.K9 glass crystal , purely handwork . image is available , it is nice to use . we can oker you our best prices . K9玻璃水晶,純手工。圖像資料,當然是好的。你最好能奧費爾價格。
3.Later period is OKer, attack goes up still is very powerful, PK, carbon, upgrade, it is brunt artillerist, also be main punching bag of course. 後期就比較可以了,攻擊一上去還是非常強大的,PK、副本、升級,都是主力炮手,當然也是主要攻擊目標。