barycentric[,bæri'sentrik]adj. 重心的
barycentric 重心的;質心;barycentric orbit 多體質心軌道;barycentric notation 重心符號;barycentric coordinates 重心坐標;質心坐標;barycentric system 重心繫;
1.We apply the method of barycentric coordinates to give the proof of some geometric inequality conjectures about a motion point that is the triangle in sids. 利用三角形重心坐標證明涉及三角形內部一動點的若干幾何不等式猜想。
2.Per-Primitive Material Setup - Including generation of barycentric coordinates as primitive data so that a pixel shader can perform custom attribute interpolation. 逐圖元材質重建,包括生成圖元的重心坐標數據,使PS能夠執行其他屬性的插值。
3.The weights respectively equal the ratios of barycentric coordinates elements of the corresponding points of the curves in the four control vertex base before transformation and after. 權係數是變換前後兩曲線上對應點關於控制四頂點的重心坐標對應份量之比;