





tympanic[tim'pænik]adj. 鼓膜的;鼓室的;鼓皮似的


tympanic 鼓皮似的;鼓室的;鼓膜的;鼓皮似的, [解]鼓膜的, 鼓室的;tympanic cavity 鼓室;鼓室腔;鼓室, 鼓腔;鼓腔;tympanic cannula 鼓室套管;釋義:鼓室套管;tympanic bone 鼓骨;tympanic membrance 鼓膜;


1.Objective:?To study the clinical application of tympanic cavity tubing technique with tympanic cavity tubing pusher. 目的:探討應用鼓室置管推進器進行鼓室置管術的臨床應用價值。

2.Conclusion Repairing tympanic membrane perforation by various techniques under endoscope may bring about satisfactory effects. 結論內窺鏡下採用不同方法進行鼓膜修補臨床療效滿意。

3.Objective:To explore the relation of tympanic ostium of Eustachian tube and Eustachian tube dysfunction in chronic otitis media. 目的:探討慢性中耳炎咽鼓管鼓室口病變與咽鼓管功能障礙的關係。


ostum tympanicum tubae; tympanic opening of audtory tube - 咽鼓管鼓室口

traumatic rupture of tympanic memvrane - 外傷性鼓膜破裂

anderschs nerve; nervus tympanicus; tympanic nerve; tympanicnerve - 安德施氏神經

flaccid part of tympanic membrane; shrapnells membrane - 希拉普內爾氏膜

replacement of tympanic membrane test - 帖補試驗

membrana tympani secundaria; membrana tympanic secondaria; scarpas membrane; scarpasmembrane - 斯卡帕氏膜

prussaks pouch; prussaks space; superior recessus of tympanic membrane - 普魯薩克氏間隙

labium limbi tympanicum; tympanic lip of limb - 板緣鼓唇

secondary tympanic membrane - 次鼓膜

membrana tympani secundaria; scarpas membrane; secondary tympanic membrane - 第二鼓膜

membranae; pars tensa; tense part of tympanic membrane - 緊張部

tympana; tympanic membrane; tympanum - 耳膜

blue drum; blue tympanic membrane - 藍鼓膜

jacobson`s nevertympanic never; jacobsons nerve; tympanic nerve; tympanicnerve - 雅各布遜氏神經

jacobson`s syndrome; tympanic neuroplexus syndrome - 雅各布遜氏綜合征

tympanic pulse - 革脈

tympanic neurectomy - 鼓叢切斷術

incisura tympanica; tympanic notch - 鼓乳裂

tympanic lip - 鼓唇緣

larger tympanic spine; spina tympanica major - 鼓大棘

cadvitas tympanica tympanum; eardrum; tympana; tympanic cavity - 鼓室

arteria tympanica superior; superior tympanic artery - 鼓室上動脈

arteria tympanica inferior; inferior tympanic artery - 鼓室下動脈

plexus tympanicus; tympanic plexus - 鼓室叢

communicating branch with tympanic plexus; ramus communicans cum plexu tympanico - 鼓室叢交通支

arteria tympanica posterior; posterior tympanic artery - 鼓室後動脈

labium tympanicum; tympanic lip - 鼓室唇

cellulae tympanicae; tympanic cells - 鼓室小房

canaliculus tympanicus; tympanic canaliculus - 鼓室小管

superior aperture of tympanic canaliculus - 鼓室小管上口

inferior aperture of tympanic canaliculus - 鼓室小管下口

nervus tympanicus; tympanic nerve; tympanicnerve - 鼓室神經

tympanic plexus syndrome - 鼓室神經叢綜合征

tympanic neuralgia - 鼓室神經痛

intumescentia tympanica; tympanic intumescence - 鼓室神經膨大

ganglion tympanica; tympanic ganglion - 鼓室神經節

tunica mucosa tympanicae; tympanic mucosa - 鼓室粘膜

tympanic muscle reflex tester - 鼓室肌反射測定儀

tympanic veins; venae tympanicae - 鼓室靜脈

smaller tympanic spine; spina tympanica minor - 鼓小棘

sulcus tympanicus; tympanic groove - 鼓溝

annulus tympanicus; tympanic ring - 鼓環

tympanic ring rongeur - 鼓環咬骨鉗

chorda tympani; tympanic cord - 鼓索

communicating branch with tympanic cord - 鼓索交通支

tympanic aperture of canal of chorda tympani - 鼓索小管鼓室口

nervus chorda tympani; tympanic cord nerve - 鼓索神經

fold of tympanic cord; plica chordae tympani - 鼓索襞

drum membrane; eardrum; memb tympanic membrance; membrana tympani; tympana; tympanic membrane; tympanum - 鼓膜

recessus membranae tympani superior; superior recess of tympanic membrane - 鼓膜上隱窩


n.鼓膜前皺襞 - anterior fold of tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜前隱窩 - anterior recess of tympanic membrane

鼓室前動脈 - anterior tympanic artery

人工鼓膜 - artificial tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜爆震傷 - blast injury of tympanic membrane

n.藍鼓膜 - blue tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜支 - branch of tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜化學灼傷 - chemical burn of tympanic membrane

鼓膜環狀層 - circular layer of tympanic membrane

n.鼓索交通支 - communicating branch with tympanic cord

n.鼓室叢交通支 - communicating branch with tympanic plexus

鼓膜皮膚層 - cutaneous layer of tympanic membrane

n.希拉普內爾氏膜 - flaccid part of tympanic membrane

n.鼓索襞 - fold of tympanic cord

n.鼓室小管下口 - inferior aperture of tympanic canaliculus

n.鼓室下動脈 - inferior tympanic artery

n.鼓大棘 - larger tympanic spine

n.鼓膜 - memb tympanic membrance

n.斯卡帕氏膜 - membrana tympanic secondaria

小鼓室 - minor tympanic cavity

鼓膜粘膜層 - mucosal layer of tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜穿孔 - perforation of tympanic membrane

鼓腔整形手術 - plastic operation of tympanic cavity

n.鼓膜後皺壁 - posterior fold of tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜後隱窩 - posterior recess of tympanic membrane

n.鼓室後動脈 - posterior tympanic artery

鼓膜穿孔,鼓膜穿刺 - puncture of tympanic membrane

鼓膜放射層 - radiate layer of tympanic membrane

n.帖補試驗 - replacement of tympanic membrane test

n.次鼓膜,第二鼓膜 - secondary tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜張肌半管 - semicanal of tensor tympanic muscle

小鼓室 - small tympanic cavity

n.鼓小棘 - smaller tympanic spine

n.鼓室小管上口 - superior aperture of tympanic canaliculus

n.鼓膜上隱窩 - superior recess of tympanic membrane

n.普魯薩克氏間隙 - superior recessus of tympanic membrane

n.鼓室上動脈 - superior tympanic artery

n.緊張部 - tense part of tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜外傷性穿孔 - traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane

n.鼓膜外傷性破裂 - traumatic rupture of tympanic membrane

n.外傷性鼓膜破裂 - traumatic rupture of tympanic memvrane

n.鼓膜臍凸 - umbo of tympanic membrane

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