




FIREST['faiə]n. 火燃燒物(如爐中的燃料);爐火火災,失火閃光;亮火;火花;發光(或熾熱)體火一般的東西,似火物(火一般的)光輝火刑;(火刑)拷問嚴峻考驗;磨難;苦難發燒,發熱,發炎激情,熱情;熱忱,強烈的感情生動的想像,豐富的想像力炮火;射擊;火力連珠炮似的東西;猛烈批評(酒精飲料的)烈性[文學用語]發光體;星[古語]閃光,閃電[古語]焰火vt. 放火燒,使燃燒;點燃;點火於: 例句:to fire a building放火燒一建築物給(爐子等)加添燃料;給…燒火,司…的爐: 例句:to fire a furnace給爐子添燃料(在窯中)燒製(磚、陶器等),燒成;烘烤: 例句:Before we could build we had to fire bricks and carry timber from the forests.在我們建房前我們必須燒製磚塊,從森林中採伐木材。烘乾,焙,焙制(茶葉等): 例句:to fire tea焙制茶葉使明亮;使發光;使光輝燦爛激勵,激發;使充滿熱情刺激,使興奮,使激動: 例句:The speaker fired the crowd into marching to Parliament with their de-mands.演講者激起了群眾擁向議會去提要求。射出(子彈);放(槍、炮等): 例句:The gunman fired three bul-lets at the police.持槍歹徒向警察開了三槍。(點燃…)使爆炸,爆破[口語]猛投,拋,猛擲: 例句:to fire a rock猛擲石頭猛烈地發出: 例句:The crowd fired questions at the speaker for over an hour.群眾向演講者一連提了一個多小時的問題。[美國口語]解雇,解聘,開除: 例句:He was fired from his job.他被解雇了。vi. (開始)燃燒,發出火焰;著火: 例句:Damp gunpowder will not fire.潮濕的火藥不會起火。燒火,司爐: 例句:The factory's firemen went on strike, and there was no one to fire for them.工廠的司爐工在鬧罷工,沒有人替他們燒火。變得激動;激怒,發怒;充滿激情: 例句:He fired inwardly at these sarcasms.他對那些諷刺深感憤慨。(在窯中燃燒而)引起反應,發生變化: 例句:a glaze that fires bright blue燃燒後變淡藍色的釉面開火(槍、炮等)射擊: 例句:They fired at a fleeting enemy.他們向正在逃跑的敵人開火。(如穀物等植物葉子)過早地變黃(指內燃機)空氣燃料混合物在汽缸內燃燒投擲短語: a running fire【軍事】(槍炮等)連續的射擊一連串的抨擊或發問altar (或 sacred) fire [古語]真摯(或神聖)的愛(as) hot as fire 像火一樣地熱(as) red as fire 火紅,像火一樣地通紅(as) salt as fire 極鹹between two fires 遭兩面夾攻,腹背受敵;左右為難blow the fire(用風箱等)吹火[廢語]煽風點火,挑撥離間build a fire under someone 督促(或強迫)某人行動;激起carry fire in one hand and water in the other 口是心非;施展兩面手法catch (on) fire(用火石)打火;(用火柴)擦火對…產生很深影響激起熱情cease fire 停火draw the fire of someone【軍事】吸引敵方火力招致某人的攻擊[亦作 darw someone's fire]fight fire with fire 以牙還牙,以其人之道還治其人之身fire ahead [口語]開始;開始說,開始問fire and brimstone地獄裡的磨難嚴厲的懲罰fire and sword 火與劍;殺人放火,燒殺破壞fire go on [蘇格蘭、愛爾蘭英語]開始燃燒fire in one's belly 力量,推動力,勁頭go through fire and water 赴湯蹈火,歷盡艱難hang fire(槍、炮)發射不出;遲緩發射(做事)遲緩;(行動或事情發生的)延遲;猶豫不決,懸而未決have too many irons in the fire 見ironkeep coals of fire on someone's head 見 coalhold (one's) fire 不露真情,忍著不說keep the home fires burning (在某人離開時) 照常料理家務;在家迎接lay a (或 the ) fire (把燃料放入爐中)準備生火lift the fire 【軍事】延緩射擊,中止射擊like fire 飛快地,迅速地make a fire 生火make up a fire 添燃料使火燒旺miss fire(槍、炮)不發火;啞火不成功;落空;達不到預期目的nurse the fire烤火,靠火坐著照看火on fire燃燒,起火,失火非常激動,充滿熱情,情緒激昂;狂熱;盛怒on the fire [美國俚語]懸而未決的,在考慮中;在準備中open fire開火,開槍開始;先開口,先發言play with fire 玩火,做(不必要的)危險事;在危險面前掉以輕心pull (或 snatch ) out of the fire 使轉敗為勝;把…從危難中解救出來sacred fire[古語]真摯(或神聖)的愛天才save something out of the fire 把東西搶救出來,使…不致毀滅set fire to點燃,使燃燒;付之一炬激動,使激動set on fire點燃,使燃燒;付之一炬使情緒激昂set the world on fire 一舉成名,一鳴驚人show something the fire 把某物稍熱一下stand fire冒著炮火(而不退卻);經得住考驗耐高溫;耐熱stir the fire 撥火[亦作 give the fire a stir]strike fire著火,(開始)燃燒[亦作catch fire]激動起來,興奮起來;惱火(對…)產生興趣take fire著火,燒著激動,興奮異常興趣(或範圍、成就等)大大增加,發生興趣;突然獲得成功under fire遭到炮火射擊,冒著槍林彈雨受到抨擊(或批評、責難等)with fire and sword 用火與劍,用武力,用殘酷的鎮壓手段變形: fired , firing


WANDERING IN FIREST 漫步蒼鬱森林中;Open Shortest Path Firest Protocol 開放式最短路徑優先協議;Relationship between firest- and second-order equations 一次、二次函數間的關係;


1.Before we could build we had to fire bricks and carry timber from the forests. 在我們建房前我們必須燒製磚塊,從森林中採伐木材。

2.The speaker fired the crowd into marching to Parliament with their de-mands. 演講者激起了群眾擁向議會去提要求。

3.However, it's my firest to have such emotion to you. Although it's not the firest time we began to love you, emotion which I gave for you is much more than any time. 對你這樣的感情,真的是第一次,雖然不能說是一見鍾情,但是對你在短時間內所付出的感情,已經超過了之前的所有。

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