haplostele 單中柱;單中心柱;
1.Haplostele A type of protostele having a solid strand of stele with the xylem on the inside encircled by phloem, pericycle, and endodermis. 原生中柱的一種類型,是由韌皮部、中柱鞘和內皮層包圍著內方的木質部構成的實心中柱。
2.The haplostele of the middle part of CNZ is separated into 4~6 big vascular bundles which were in the central part of the atactostele in the upper part of CNZ. 子葉節區上部為散生中柱,其中央的4~6個大維管束由子葉節區中部的單中柱分裂形成;