stem-dish 高腳盤;compote stem-dish 高腳盤;
1.The cistern of arrange stage can solicit in-house filter case with filament beforehand, prevent dish bits to reach petty and residual stem conduit. 料理台的水槽可以事先用細絲兜住內部濾盒,防止菜屑及細小殘渣堵住水管。
2.Hasenfuss has so far shown that these embryonic-like stem cells can turn into a number of different types of cell in the lab dish, including heart, brain and skin cells. 目前,哈森法斯已表明:這些像胚胎的干細胞能在實驗室的碟子裡轉變成若幹不同類型的細胞,包括心臟、大腦和皮膚細胞。
3.Last year, the researchers published details about how they used stem-like brain cells from rodents to duplicate neurogenesis - the process of generating new brain cells - in a dish. 去年,研究人員公佈了他們是如何使用來自齧齒動物的具有干細胞功能的腦細胞在培養皿內來複製神經系統的細節。這是繁殖新的腦細胞的過程。