Author affiliation 作者單位;作者機構;著者工作機構;著者服務機構;Author affiliations 按機構;作者單位;第一作者單位;者單位字段;AU Author 作者;author 作者;作家;作者,創始人;撰寫;implied author 隱含作者;隱含的作者;隱含作者;隱指作者;
1.Metafiction also espels entirely the author out of text by fabricating "the death of author "and "the presence of author" aim to make narrative text more signified. 無論是「作者之死」,還是「作者出面」,它們都有著相同的目的,這就是將敘事文本進一步能指化。
2.Author analyzed the characters of abnegating of a suit that based on the theories of suit rights. And then the author analyzed its conditions, aftermath and process. 該文結合訴權理論分析了放棄訴訟請求在程序上和實體上的性質,在此基礎上,進一步分析了放棄訴訟請求有效成立的條件、法律後果和處理方式。
3.The writing experience that shirt-sleeve author permanent worker makes, reflect the newest gain of concerned expert and author. (3) is practical. 融合作者長期工作的寫作經驗,並體現有關專家和作者的最新成果。(3)實用性。
4.The author first indicates Dickens' changes, which took place after a journey in 184
2. In terms of this convertion, the author analyses "Dombey and Son" and "The Pickwick Papers" contrastively. 首先指出狄更斯的轉變是發生在1842年的一次旅行之後,之後作者通過對《董貝父子》與《匹克威克外傳》對比分析來表明此方面的變化。
5.The author first indicates Dickens' changes, which took place after a journey in 184
2. In terms of this convertion, the author analyses "Dombey and Son" and "The Pickwick Papers" contrastively. 首先指出狄更斯的轉變是發生在1842年的一次旅行之後,之後作者通過對《董貝父子》與《匹克威克外傳》對比分析來表明此方面的變化。