honedadj. 磨光的;亞光v. 把…磨光(hone的過去式及過去分詞)
Honed 亞光;磨刀的;精巧的、合用的;磨光的;Honed Glaze 夢幻亞光釉面;finely-honed 精密搪磨的;honed crosshatch pattern 交叉型研磨紋路;hone finished honed 啞光;
1.Michael was not only honed for his beautiful sound of music, but also for his excellent dance. 邁可爾被人們所稱道的不僅是他的天籟之音,還有他的卓越的舞技。
2.The cheetah is perfectly honed to hunt gazelles—but the gazelle is equally well equipped to escape cheetahs. 非洲獵豹是瞪羚的完美捕食者,但是瞪羚同樣能從非洲獵豹中逃脫出來。
3.There are certain disciplines of the game he performs as well as anyone in football, but even his shooting and crossing have been honed during hours of stubborn practice. 固然逐鹿中很多手藝他可能和其別發揮闡發的一樣精彩,但是假使是他的射門和傳球也是來自有數個小時的再三訓練。