Turkn. 土耳其馬;土耳其人
Turk 突厥;土耳其人;土耳其;土耳其馬;Mechanical Turk 土耳其機器人;機械特克;土耳其人;Turk Loydu 土耳其船級社;Turk woman 土耳其婦女;Gavin Turk 加文·特克;加文·圖爾克;
1.Turk have the record of maintaining a jet of milk from the lacrimal gland, to
9. 2 feet (
2. 80 meters). 一名土耳其人保持著淚腺噴射牛奶距離最遠記錄,為9。2英尺(2。80米)。
2.I've heard that Turk like add to silver when forging sword, so the sword is glittery and very beautiful! 聽說有的土耳其人鑄造刀劍喜歡加入白銀冶煉,所以作出的刀劍看上去銀光閃閃,漂亮極了!
3.The scuba divers love the water here at Grand Turk, but they're also careful about what they touch and where they swim. 深海潛水者喜歡格蘭特的海水,但是同時他們游泳時對碰到的東西和游泳的地方也是很小心的。