CVAabbr. 哥倫比亞河流域管理局(Columbia Valley Authority);腦血管意外(Cerebral Vascular Accident)
CVA 咳嗽變異性哮喘;咳嗽變異型哮喘;腦血管意外;國際市民體育聯盟中國總部;CVA index 現金附加值係數;cough variant asthma CVA 咳嗽變異性哮喘;咳嗽變異型哮喘;CVA Customs Valuation Agreement 海關估值協定;CVA cerebrovascular accident 腦血管意外;
1.The B44 employs a hardened steel CVA drivetrain with lightened ball differentials for unparalleled acceleration. 該b44僱用了淬火鋼CVA的傳動系與減輕了球差無比的加速度。
2.Mr. Roberts is admitted to the hospital with a headache, weakness in his right extremities, and a diagnosis of CVA. 羅伯特先生因為頭痛而被送進醫院,虛弱在他的右側,並診斷出腦血管意外。
3.The results showed that CVA patients scored significantly lower than normal group in the areas of self concept and activities of daily flying (Barthel Index). 研究結果顯示,病患組在自我概念、自我照顧之得分較正常組低,且具統計學上有意義之差異;