





reciprocal action 反覆作用;互相酌;相互酌;交互作用;reciprocal affection 互愛;reciprocal affiliations 相互投資聯營公司;reciprocal altruism 互利主義;互惠利他;互惠的利他主義;相互利他主義;arisen through reciprocal conditionality 互為緣性轉;


1.Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cells basic vectors as two line space basic vectors, this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell. 視正格子原胞基矢和倒格子原胞基矢為線性空間的兩個基底,提出了求解倒格子原胞的一種新的矩陣算法。

2.Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cells basic vectors as two line space basic vectors, this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell. 視正格子原胞基矢和倒格子原胞基矢為線性空間的兩個基底,提出了求解倒格子原胞的一種新的矩陣算法。

3.Regarding the reciprocal lattice primitive cells basic vectors as two line space basic vectors, this paper finds a new matrix method to work out the reciprocal lattice primitive cell. 視正格子原胞基矢和倒格子原胞基矢為線性空間的兩個基底,提出了求解倒格子原胞的一種新的矩陣算法。

4.The electron diffraction pattern corresponding to the reciprocal planes consisting of common reciprocal points only will superpose on the matrix spots. 僅由相重倒易點構成的倒易面所對應的電子衍射圖必定被基體的衍射斑點所覆蓋。

5.For two decades our contacts with China had been limited to the reciprocal recriminations of sporadic ambassadorial meetings in Warsaw. 二十年來,我們同中國的接觸只限於零零星星的華沙大使級會議上互相指責。


reciprocal kernel; reciprocalkernel - 互反核

reciprocal chiasma; reciprocal crossing; reciprocalchiasma; reciprocalcrossing - 互逆交叉

reciprocal bilinear form - 互逆雙線型

reciprocal inhibition method - 交互抑製法

reciprocal trnasfusion - 交互輸血法

reciprocal innervation - 交叉互性神經支配

juctonal reciprocal rhythm - 交界性反覆心律

reciprocal difference - 倒數差分

reciprocal lattice - 倒易格子

n. reciprocal lattice - 倒格子

reciprocal uariational problems - 反變分問題

reciprocal rhythm - 反覆心律

reciprocal linear dispersion - 可逆線性分散

ventricular reciprocal rhythm - 室性反覆心律

reciprocal shaker - 往復振蕩器

reciprocal tachycardia; reentrant tachycardia - 折返性心動過速

re entry; reciprocal excitaion; reentry - 折返激動

reciprocal crosses; reciprocal crossing; reciprocalcrossing - 正反交

reciprocal hybrid - 正反交雜種

reciprocal chiasma; reciprocalchiasma - 相互交叉

reciprocal synapse - 相互性突觸

reciprocal translocation - 相互易位

mutual induction; reciprocal induction - 相互誘導

reciprocal kernel; reciprocalkernel - 逆核

reciprocal eigenvalue - 逆特徵值

reciprocal rhythm - 逆節律


n.交界性反覆心律 - juctonal reciprocal rhythm

n.室性反覆心律 - ventricular reciprocal rhythm

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